November 12, 1884

Rumford Hall, Waltham, MA

This listing is found in Chronology of Speeches but this date is given as Lowell, MA in Touring with Cable and Huck

"Music Hall was well filled last evening on the occasion of the second of the present season's course of Rumford Institute entertainments. Mr. Geo. W. Cable, the popular author of the serial story now publishing in the “Century,” gave several scenes from that work with fine effect, and was listened to with the hushed stillness of intense interest, especially in the closing graphic scene, while Mark Twain, for it was the genial humorist universally known under this name rather than the fine gentleman known in the social circles of the city of Hartford as Mr. Clemens, read several highly amusing sketches from his own writings, to the great amusement of the audience, manifested by almost incessant applause. Upon the whole this second evening of the course, seemed to meet with as much favor as did the first evening with the popular and charming Barnabee troupe."

Twain would have returned to Boston following the lecture.