August 1, 1905 Tuesday

August 1 Tuesday – H.H. Rogers wrote to Sam about the thankful letters from Joe and Harmony Twichell: “The letters are lovely. Don’t breathe. They are so happy! It would be a crime to let them think that you have in any-way deceived them. I can keep still. You must”[MTHHR 594-5].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Mr. Clemens is writing more maxims. Some of them are strong—almost too strong. This one: (I only quote—) “You can’t reach old age by another man’s road. My habits protect me, but they would assassinate you.” Shows the strength and depth of his character. His rocklike rectitude.

Mrs. Learned dined here. She was pretty in a black evening gown [MTP TS 83].

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote on Koy-Lo Co. letterhead to Sam.

“Your letter of July 29 [not extant] reached me yesterday. The Koy-lo Company has not yet started in a large way, as we are still waiting for those hair pin manufacturers, Smith & Son’s Company, to finish all the machinery….We have a demonstration on the Boardwalk at Atlantic City, and are selling goods there every day….The enclosed advertisements [not in file] are to appear in the September and October “Designer.” He was sending Sam some more samples [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.