August 12, 1905 Saturday

August 12 Saturday – In Norfolk, Conn. Sam was ailing from gout [NY Times, Aug. 20, p.7, “Mark Twain Ill of Gout”] Note: Source puts onset of attack to this day.

Harper’s Weekly ran Sam’s “DIOGENES AND HIS LANTERN” p.1166. It was dated July 11, 1905—see entry. Roi Cooper Megrue wrote to Sam. A young man by the name of M. Worth Colwell is very anxious to make a musical comedy out of certain incidents from “A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”. I think it will be all right to give him the rights for a year, on the understanding that if the play is not sold within that time his rights cease. If the play is sold I think a division of royalties between you and him would be fair. Will you please let me know if this is agreeable to you [MTP]. Note: Sam was in Norfolk;

Lyon answered for him on Aug. 14.

Isabel V. Lyon wrote a letter to Father Raffaello Stiattesi in Florence. Sam had written a lot and was well; he now was visiting Clara in Norfolk, who was improving. Early in July Jean had gone with Teresa Cherubini, the maid, to visit Clara. The stay in Dublin would end in November [MTP]. Note: Trombley makes much of Lyon’s relationship with the priest with whom she’d had Italian lessons and shared outings with, suggesting her fondness “had a bit of the character of forbidden fruit” [MTOW 38]. There is nothing untoward in this letter, however, though she does sign it “Yours affectionately,” possible just good Victorian “embroidery.” Lyon easily felt close to many males once exposed to them and often wrote with florid prose and praise of each.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Jean not well—3 attacks, at 11:30, 1:20 and 5:30. Very droopy all day. Teresa is sleeping in the living room. Tonight I wrote to Mr. Walter Rodway of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, to see if he has any photographs of Mr. Clemens.

The book of personal sketch that Col. Higginson let me take is vastly interesting, and the privilege of reading them is a great one. Letters from Prof. Heller and W.R.C. [MTP TS 88]. Note: Walter Rodway was an artist on the Brisbane Courier. No record of photographs of Clemens made in Brisbane is extant; Sam did have photographs made by Falk Photographers of Melbourne. On Oct. 3, 1895 he wrote to H. Walter Barnett of the Melbourne Co. Miss Lyon may have meant drawings.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.