14 August 2022
August 9 Wednesday – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Frederick A. Duneka.
M . Clemens directs me to write and say that his idea of publishing the Adam’s and Eve’s Diaries, is to have them go into one volume—using the corrected form of the Adam’s Diary .
M . Clemens would like to have the present edition of the Adam’s diary suppressed, (if that is also your judgement) & the revised one issued in its place, either independently or in a volume with Eve’s. The latter would be best, he thinks, because a person who has not read Adam’s Diary would miss half the points in Eve’s [MTP].
Isabel Lyon’s journal:
Tonight when we were at dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were here, Col. Higginson telephoned up to me to ask if I would write a little article on the literary people who have been in Dublin. Could I? I wonder and wonder. Mrs. Henderson is a very interesting woman. She is the daughter of Chevalier Bunson [sic Bunsen] and Mr. and Mrs. Clemens knew her in Berlin years ago. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Henderson stayed out on the porch in the moonlight, so we didn’t hear the good talk. It was bound to be good for Mr. Clemens said afterward that Mr. H. Was interesting. He has written a comprehensive History of Germany and at dinner he mentioned some of the very interesting letters of Frederic the Great that he had access to. One of them written during the Revolutionary War, said not to extend a commercial treaty to the Colonies in a hurry, but to wait and see which would win; whether it would be English or the Americans would make a difference [MTP TS 87]. Note: Ernest Flagg Henderson (1861-1928) author and historian. Christian Karl Josias Chevalier Bunsen (1791-1860) was a Prussian ambassador, and a Biblical scholar.
Albert Brandt, publisher, Trenton, N.J. wrote to Sam: “It affords me great pleasure to be able to unite with our mutual friend, Mr. Daniel Carter Beard, in sending you by to-day’s mail, a special autographed copy of the new edition of ‘Moonblight and Six Feet of Romance.’” Note: the book was published in 1904 [Gribben 53-54].
Andrew Carnegie wrote from Skibo Castle, Scotland to Sam, “Ah. My friend you hit it that awful procession. Why? / Those you have lost & mourn I also knew & grieve over. One by one they fall, Dan. Lament the latest. / Every year I return to New York I am mourning the absence of one or more…now Hay… / Why? Why! the everlasting Why.” Carnegie added he did not dread death or the future [MTP].
An unidentified person wrote from England to “Mr. Clements” [sic]. Only the envelope survives [MTP].
M . Clemens directs me to write and say that his idea of publishing the Adam’s and Eve’s Diaries, is to have them go into one volume—using the corrected form of the Adam’s Diary .
M . Clemens would like to have the present edition of the Adam’s diary suppressed, (if that is also your judgement) & the revised one issued in its place, either independently or in a volume with Eve’s. The latter would be best, he thinks, because a person who has not read Adam’s Diary would miss half the points in Eve’s [MTP].
Isabel Lyon’s journal:
Tonight when we were at dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were here, Col. Higginson telephoned up to me to ask if I would write a little article on the literary people who have been in Dublin. Could I? I wonder and wonder. Mrs. Henderson is a very interesting woman. She is the daughter of Chevalier Bunson [sic Bunsen] and Mr. and Mrs. Clemens knew her in Berlin years ago. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Henderson stayed out on the porch in the moonlight, so we didn’t hear the good talk. It was bound to be good for Mr. Clemens said afterward that Mr. H. Was interesting. He has written a comprehensive History of Germany and at dinner he mentioned some of the very interesting letters of Frederic the Great that he had access to. One of them written during the Revolutionary War, said not to extend a commercial treaty to the Colonies in a hurry, but to wait and see which would win; whether it would be English or the Americans would make a difference [MTP TS 87]. Note: Ernest Flagg Henderson (1861-1928) author and historian. Christian Karl Josias Chevalier Bunsen (1791-1860) was a Prussian ambassador, and a Biblical scholar.
Albert Brandt, publisher, Trenton, N.J. wrote to Sam: “It affords me great pleasure to be able to unite with our mutual friend, Mr. Daniel Carter Beard, in sending you by to-day’s mail, a special autographed copy of the new edition of ‘Moonblight and Six Feet of Romance.’” Note: the book was published in 1904 [Gribben 53-54].
Andrew Carnegie wrote from Skibo Castle, Scotland to Sam, “Ah. My friend you hit it that awful procession. Why? / Those you have lost & mourn I also knew & grieve over. One by one they fall, Dan. Lament the latest. / Every year I return to New York I am mourning the absence of one or more…now Hay… / Why? Why! the everlasting Why.” Carnegie added he did not dread death or the future [MTP].
An unidentified person wrote from England to “Mr. Clements” [sic]. Only the envelope survives [MTP].
Entry Date
Aug 09, 1905 - Wed