14 August 2022
August 7 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Today Mrs. Thayer sent up some very beautiful pink poppies. Delicate, exquisite, each one a darling delight” [MTP TS 84].
Winifred Holt wrote from NYC to Sam. “Helen Keller has written an interesting article which may show you more clearly why I am brave enough to write to you again—I forward under separate cover what she has just written in the “World’s Work” [MTP].
In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon replied for Sam to Winifred Holt [MTP]. Note: Isabel Lyon noted the answer she’d written to Holt from “the King” (her nickname for Sam): “Wrote her a very definite No—from the King, & embellished the No with an explanation that he cannot take on any outside interests. / But as the King says—she will come back at him in some other way, for she is unsquelchable”
Sam also wrote to H.H. Rogers.
I am keeping the secret & collecting the revenue all right. [about the Twichell’s $1500 gift]
I hope you are noticing that it is Lawson’s turn, now—a thing which was sure to happen. If he likes skimming, there’s good times ahead. I’ve knocked off work & Clara’s doctor has given me permission to go & see her. I start day after tomorrow & hope to stay a week or ten days. Then I am coming back to Boston & get aboard the yacht & run over to Nantucket; if you would like to go; or down to Fairhaven & play billiards.
I am having a time. Nothing agrees with me. If I drink coffee it gives me dispepsia; if I drink wine it gives me the gout; if I go to church it gives me dysentery. A vacation seems necessary [MTHHR 595]. Note: Thomas W. Lawson, muckraking journalist: see July 11 from Rogers. Clemens did not leave Dublin for Norfolk until Aug. 10 [IVL Journal TS 87].
Winifred Holt wrote from NYC to Sam. “Helen Keller has written an interesting article which may show you more clearly why I am brave enough to write to you again—I forward under separate cover what she has just written in the “World’s Work” [MTP].
In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon replied for Sam to Winifred Holt [MTP]. Note: Isabel Lyon noted the answer she’d written to Holt from “the King” (her nickname for Sam): “Wrote her a very definite No—from the King, & embellished the No with an explanation that he cannot take on any outside interests. / But as the King says—she will come back at him in some other way, for she is unsquelchable”
Sam also wrote to H.H. Rogers.
I am keeping the secret & collecting the revenue all right. [about the Twichell’s $1500 gift]
I hope you are noticing that it is Lawson’s turn, now—a thing which was sure to happen. If he likes skimming, there’s good times ahead. I’ve knocked off work & Clara’s doctor has given me permission to go & see her. I start day after tomorrow & hope to stay a week or ten days. Then I am coming back to Boston & get aboard the yacht & run over to Nantucket; if you would like to go; or down to Fairhaven & play billiards.
I am having a time. Nothing agrees with me. If I drink coffee it gives me dispepsia; if I drink wine it gives me the gout; if I go to church it gives me dysentery. A vacation seems necessary [MTHHR 595]. Note: Thomas W. Lawson, muckraking journalist: see July 11 from Rogers. Clemens did not leave Dublin for Norfolk until Aug. 10 [IVL Journal TS 87].
Entry Date
Aug 07, 1905 - Mon