August 23, 1905 Wednesday

August 23 Wednesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Headache. This day I went to Boston on the early train. Left the house at 6:15. Miss Greene went to Boston too, and she extended the courtesies of the Mayflower Club to me, and there I sat by the window, up 3 flights or more, looking out over the Common, up to the statehouse, and drinking in the stately sense of Boston. I went to get a wedding gift for Mr. Clemens to give to Miss Higginson and at Koopmans found a lovely Dutch tea caddy, like a little chest on feet. It is a copy of an old model, very pretty it is and has the distinction too of Mr. Clemens.

While I was in Boston Jean had a smash-up down in the village. The “Shindy” horse became frightened at an automobile and a man rescued Jean before Shindy had a chance to dash her brains out. I’m not supposed to know anything about it—but I do [MTP TS 90].

E.D. at Knickerbocker Publishing Co. of N.Y.C. wrote to Sam asking for “sufficient original data” to prepare a sketch of his life for their forthcoming National American Biography [MTP]. Note: Sam usually turned down such requests or pointed the inquirer to printed material. See ca. Aug. 25

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote to Sam, enclosing a pack of letters. “If the enclosed letters do not cause Hammond to capitulate, they will at least add zest to the fight. I hope too that they will do your gout good” [MTP].

John P. Pemberton wrote from NYC to Sam, asking if he might pay his respects personally before leaving for New Orleans [MTP]. Note: Clara wrote to Miss Lyon on the letter, “Please tell this man with polite graces that my father will not be in N.Y. before November”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.