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August 14 Monday – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Roi Cooper Megrue. Lyon noted that Sam was out of town but that in June he wrote M. Worth Colwell, referring him to Elisabeth Marbury—whatever arrangements she made would satisfy him [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Choisey [her home in Conn.] is rented to Mr. Bushnell, $20 a month. There seems a chance for me to begin to get financially square with the world. Oh, world” [MTP TS 88]. Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Today word came that Mr. Clemens has gout” [MTP TS 25].

In Norfolk, Conn. Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers: “I am stranded here with gout. Pray for me. / Yours ever/ SLC / P.S. No—never mind, never mind. Get somebody who knows the game” [MTP].

Dudley P. Lewis wrote to Sam, recalling “with the greatest pleasure” a visit with Sam at his NY home “a few months ago when” he was there studying law. “Miss Stebbins…encouraged him” to invite Clemens to a meeting of his law fraternity [MTP]. Note: On or after this day Isabel Lyon answered for Sam: “Hope that some time or other he may be able to be at one of the meetings, but is not expecting now to attend such meeting” [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote a second letter of gratitude to Sam for the $1,500 (which had secretly come from H.H. Rogers). In part:

“You have commanded Harmony and me to spare you any further expression of our feelings about the great thing you did for us last month—it is just a month to-day since the convoy arrived—but really, old fellow, we can’t quite make up our minds to let you off so easily” [MTHHR 598n1-top]. Note: see July 26 entry: “philanthropic ruse”.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.