April 1, 1907 Monday

April 1 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “The King came back today with Col. Harvey and he seemed tired. These visitings are a little hard on him. After all he says, “His own bed is so much the best one for him and his own atmosphere” [MTP TS 47].

Carl Kelsey for American Academy of Political and Social Sciences wrote to Sam [MTP]. Note: See Apr. 5 for Sam’s reply.

Nikolai V. Chaikovsky for Friends of Russian Freedom wrote to thank Sam for the use of his name for their General Committee, and to warn him about Tcherep-Spiridovitch. “He is no more ‘Count’ or ‘General’ than I am’ [MTP].

Howard Brubaker for Friends of Russian Freedom wrote to thank Sam for the use of his name for their General Committee [MTP].

Albert Scott Cox wrote to Sam on Ontario Hotel stationery, Chicago, to ask his help in publishing “a long series” about “literary men,” sending Sam drawings to approve [MTP].

Carl Kelsey for the American Academy of Political & Social Science, Phila. wrote to ask Sam if he could enroll him as a member. The Academy addressed such social issues as child labor laws [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “My membership would be purely ornamental &therefore valueless. Have retired from the activities of life. I did not retire until I had been in the harness 40 years & concluded that I had done my share—that I have not retired in reality but I have all the work on my hands that I can attend to & that I mustn’t add any thing to it.”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.