April 7, 1907 Sunday

April 7 Sunday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Gabrilowitsch was here this evening and played for a long time—played that great Schubert Sonata.

Mr. Clemens and I went over to see Miss Harrison in Bklyn. She sent her mobile over for us and the trip was a long and dreary one; for we had to be stopped short at every corner by children who tried to get under the wheels. But Miss H’s home is very nice and her mother is sweet.

There are those who like to say that Gabrilowitsch is as great as Paderewski, but when I listen to the former, I find myself criticising, I don’t know what, whereas with Paderewski, I am enthralled with the great spirit of his music & don’t care how it is done [MTP TS 49-50]. . . .

Benjamin R. Tucker, publisher and bookseller, NYC wrote to Sam, sending a copy of The Ego and His Own, by Max Steiner. “Whatever you … may think of the book, I am sure that pp. 395- 405 will command themselves to Mark Twain” [MTP]. Note: Sam replied on Apr. 24 [Gribben 662].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.