April 9, 1907 Tuesday

April 9 Tuesday – Minnie Maddern Fiske wrote from NYC to Sam.

May I beg that you will read the enclosed newspaper clippings and letters? They explain themselves. The letter from the man in Oregon was written to Mr. Stillman the President of the American Human[e] Association in Albany. Let me be as brief as possible. A few of us who are interested and hope that a reform of this terrible abuse of animals may be effected, called a meeting the other day in Washington. There is to be an organization devoted to the effort after this reform [MTP]. Note: on the env. of  news clippings, (Mar. 10, NY Tribune; Feb. 19, NY Evening Post) Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “Relating to the freezing of stock on Western cattle-ranges.”

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Dr. and Mrs. Rice dined here and after dinner the men played billiards. The Rices wanted to talk Redding house but Mr. Clemens refuses to discuss the subject. He won’t allow himself to be informed or consulted; he will pay the bills and that’s all he will do, but when the house is finished then he will go to it. It astounds his questioning friends to hear him answer, “I don’t know” to every question they ask about the house or the property. He doesn’t want to see it, or hear anything about it. He leaves all the affairs now with John Howells and me, for Santa has passed with approval upon the plans, etc. [MTP TS 50].

Ernest Hendrie wrote from London, England to Miss Lyon, her letter of Mar. 29 in hand. Hendrie referred to an agreement with Elisabeth Marbury about producing “Hadleyburg” on stage [MTP].

John Y. W. MacAlister wrote to advise Sam that the power of attorney requested was being prepared by the lawyers and would be sent on. By same post I am sending you a sweet thing on polygamy in South Africa. The unctious correctitude of these missionaries with regard to an ancient institution, which was enjoyed—or otherwise,—by the founders of their own religion, is as humorous as anything intentionally funny I ever read, always, of course, excepting our own “copy” [MTP].

Clemens A.D. for this day is listed by MTP.  

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.