April 20, 1907 Saturday

April 20 Saturday – Sam was in Hartford and met with the ladies who were first members of his Saturday Morning Club 30 years before. He wrote of the good time in a letter to Jean on Apr. 22.

Athenaeum printed an anonymous review of CS, p.466-8. Tenney: “Mostly summary; favorable, calls MT ‘one of the sanest, least prejudiced of men’ [43].

Clemens A.D. for this day is listed by MTP as “Imaginary Interview with the President.”  

Otto Heller wrote from St. Louis to Miss Lyon. Heller had been “hired…to make a critical and complete editon (about 20 vols.) of the works of Charles Sealsfield.” Would Sam offer his opinion of Sealsfield? [MTP]. Note: Charles Sealsfield, pseudonym for Karl Anton Postl (1793-1864), Moravian born activist and author who used American settings for romantic novels. Not in Gribben.

John Mead Howells wrote to Sam with the final copy of specifications for the Redding house and stable. Copies had been given to contractors for bidding [MTP].

Jervis Langdon II sent Sam a trustee’s report to former stockholders of J. Langdon & Co, from Apr 1, 1906 to Apr. 1, 1907, showing a balance on hand of $12,212.66, “the funds on hand to be kept safely invested to provide income out of which to pay taxes and other charges on the property” [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.