April 13, 1907 Saturday

April 13 Saturday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: My hands are full and my outlet for superfluous emotions just now is my Boyagians and their “something junk”. They have thrown at me such delightful things. A marvel of a huge strange old candlestick for 50¢. Mother and I have sat around it and wondered what it’s history must be.

Mr. and Mrs. Twichell arrived and I’m so tired—so tired. They are nice and dear, but killingly hard to entertain, for Mr. Twichell’s deafness is increasing [MTP TS 52].

Louis Blanding wrote on City Hotel, Columbia, Calif. stationery to advise Sam of the death of James (Jim) Norman Gillis. Blanding was an officer of the Ophir Mining Co. at the time Sam was writing for the Enterprise. He noted an enclosed clipping of Gillis’ death but it is not in the file [MTP].

Anna S. Thatcher wrote from East Orange High School, NJ to advise Sam that her German Dept. would put on Sam’s farce, “Meisterschaft” on Apr. 20 for the benefit of their new athletic field. Ticket sales were so “enormous” that they had to put on a second show for Apr. 22 [MTP].

An unidentified person (female?) signed “Sold Down the River,” wrote to Sam from Santa Barbara, Calif. after having read CS. “As regards Mrs. Eddy you must understand that on the th 4 July 1901, the spirit of Napoleon 1 of France was allowed to occupy the mortal body of Mrs. Eddy for a period of time which will expire on July 4 1908—I am not yet sufficiently advanced in Planetary Science to know what will happen about then, but I think Mrs. E. will probably die” [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.