April 18, 1907 Thursday

April 18 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam replied on Frank T. Searight’s Apr. 12 letter: “never make another land voyage that can be avoided either honorably or otherwise” [MTP].

At 8:15 p.m. Clara Clemens gave a performance in Fredonia, N.Y. The Fredonia Censor advertised her upcoming concert and on Apr. 24 reviewed it:

The Concert by Miss Clara Clemens, contralto, and Miss Marie Nichols, violinist, Charles E. Wark, pianist, had a good sized and very appreciative audience in Normal Chapel last Thursday evening. Miss Clemens has a rich, powerful voice and showed her fine training in her difficult selections, all of which she sang without notes. There was most delight in the violin playing of Miss Nichols. …

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote on Koy-Lo Co. letterhead, NYC, to advise that he had sent a draft to the London Co. this day to pay the bill for Plasmon. Also that Stanchfield was keeping him posted “about the negotiations between my and Hammond’s lawyers” [MTP].

W.R.E. Collins wrote from NYC to Sam, looking for $10,000 to complete the deed on 7,100 acres of coal land in Penn. Collins offered to pay $600 plus 15% of the profit of the sale [MTP].



Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.