April 24, 1907 Wednesday

April 24 Wednesday – In N.Y.C. Isabel V. Lyon replied for Sam to Mrs. Arthur J. Tenney’s Apr. 22. “Thanks for photo is so overdriven in these days if the enclosed is of use glad to enclose it” [MTP].

Sam also dictated a reply to the Apr. 7 from Benjamin R. Tucker, but his response is on the back of Tucker’s letter in Josephine Hobby’s shorthand, and is undecipherable [Gribben 662].

In the afternoon Sam left with H.H. Rogers, Harry Rogers, Urban H. Broughton, William Evarts Benjamin and Charles Lancaster on the Kanawha bound for Jamestown, Va. about 300 miles as the crow flies. They were to attend the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition of 1907 (300 years). The fair was held at what is now the Norfolk Naval Base, and drew more than 1.2 million visitors. It opened on April 26, 1907. “Some called it a world’s fair, other a great international naval, industrial and marine exposition of American Imperialism.”  Award medals of various designs were struck, including some by Tiffany & Co. See insert of award

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “The King started for Jamestown this 1:30 in Mr. Rogers’s yacht to go down for the naval review. Mr. Broughton, Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Lancaster, Harry Rogers were the other 4 to make up the six. It is so lonely, lonely again. But lots to do [MTP TS 54]. Note: Broughton, and Benjamin were sons-in-laws of H.H. Rogers; Charles Lancaster was an old friend of Rogers’.

Thomas Arkle Clark (b.1862) Dean of men, wrote on University of Illinois stationery to inquire about a possible lecture there by Clemens next year [MTP].

Alice Minnie Herts wrote on The Educational Alliance letterhead, NYC to ask Sam if he would request Andrew Carnegie “to see your play at the Educational Alliance on Sunday next, Apr. 28 or the following Sunday?” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “Mr Clemens in Norfolk”

Jeannette Pozter wrote for Woman’s Home Companion to Sam, after seeing the children’s play of P&P at the Educational Alliance. She wanted to write an article about it and asked where she could get a copy of the play to quote from [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “Answrd     Apr. 27, ‘07”


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.