November 3 Sunday – Linnie M. Bourne wrote from Washington D.C. to relate a “slip of the tongue” she’d made as a girl going with her grandfather to see Twain and Cable read in Washngton. When asked where they were going in such a hurry, she replied, “We’re going to hear Cain and Able read” [MTP].
Emma G. Mottrane wrote from to Sam that she possessed a “Fancy Black Comb, such as Ladie’s wear, which originally belonged in your family” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Nov. 15, ‘07” and “Thank her for her good intentions but I do not take [illegible word] interest in such things”
Alice Hegan Rice wrote from Louisville, Ky. to tell Sam of something her “very small nephew” said in her Sunday school class when asked to name the Apostles: “Matthew, Mark, Twain, Luke, and John” [MTP].