November 18, 1907 Monday

November 18 Monday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frances Nunnally.

      Francesca dear, I am so disappointed! We are due in Annapolis 7 days hence—25th—& I have to be in Boston that very day, & remain 2 days & probably 3. And so we are writing to Governor Warfield to explain. But although I’ve got to be in Boston I am not sure that I can go; because I have had a cold ten days & cannot manage to get rid of it; if it continues I can’t risk traveling in draughty trains, lest I bring on the bronchitis again. I wanted to see you, you dear child, & it’s a great disappointment. It would be a charming change to look at you—a change from watching the stocks go down!

This isn’t a bright day—it is the other way: my daughter is leaving to-night, to be gone a good while, & she will be missed—nobody left but Miss Lyon & me. Goodbye—& good health—& all sorts of happiness to you, dear! /With love … [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Dorothy Quick.

Why you sweet little rascal! don’t you suppose I am doing any longing? Indeed I am. I’m longing to see you. Of course you’ve got a lot of other lovers, & of course they pine to see you —Bache & the rest—but when they pine it’s only an individual pine, whereas when I pine for you it’s a whole forest! Now then, try & remember that, dear.

I think it is very nice—the faithful industry you are devoting to your studies & the gymnasium. And the drawing lessons—that’s a great thing. Drawing will educate your eye, & give you a correct perception of forms & proportions which you couldn’t get in any other way. I’ve never had a drawing lesson myself, but I know the great value of theat art in training the eye to observe—also to see things as they are. Go on with your pleasant labors, dearheart, you dear little Dorothy.

This with the love of / SLC

 Just think—71 years from now you’ll be 72. It seems impossible. Why, I am only that old myself [MTAq 82-3]. Note: Sam’s math was off: Since Dorothy was 11, he should have said “61 years.”

Elliott & Fry, photographers, London wrote to Sam with a printed order form and proofs [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Dec. 18, ‘07” and “Like those not marked No ever so much & if they want to compliment me with a copy or 2 I should like them for my collection”

Henry Hahn wrote from Copenhagen, Denmark to send Sam birthday wishes [MTP].

Miss Ingebarg Jensen wrote to Sam, mistaking the 18th for his birthday and mentioning Hahn (above) [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.