November 29, 1907 Friday

November 29 Friday – Sam finished his Nov. 21 to Mary B. Rogers.

Mariechen, I didn’t say sins, I said it covered a multitude of charms. And it is perfectly true. I wish you wouldn’t be always misquoting me & discouraging all my attempts to learn how to be veracious. For I do so want to learn how, dear.

I don’t know where you are but I am guessing that you are in Tuxedo. You were very delightful yesterday./ Affectionately / Your Uncle Mark [MTP].

Alice Minnie Herts for The Children’s Educational Theatre wrote to Sam updating him on her efforts in the Children’s Theatre movement including her visit to President Charles William Eliot of Harvard, and President G. Stanley Hall of Clark Univ. She felt Andrew Carnegie would be interested in supporting the movement, since he requested tickets for the 19th performance, though he didn’t show [MTP].

Frances Nunnally replied to Sam’s Nov. 27 telegram: 

Dear Mr. Clemens,— / This is just a note to say that I hope you will have many very happy returns of the thirtieth.

      I received your telegram, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your thinking of our game, and so do all the girls of our team. I think it must have brought good luck to us, for we won with a score of seven to three. We are so happy over our victory that we don’t know what to do, and we have sung and cheered ourselves hoarse over it. …We had an awfully nice Thanksgiving day, and I hope you did too.

      I was sorry to hear that you were not well enough to go to Boston, and I certainly hope you are all right now. / Wishing you a very happy birthday. / I am / With love, / Francesca [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.