March 1, 1881 Tuesday

March 1 Tuesday – Sam and Twichell were still at West Point. From Twichell’s journal:

The next forenoon we spent several hours, under Gen. Howard’s kind conduct, in looking over the institution, and were impressed most favorably with every thing from the mathematical instruction to the equestrian exercise.

In the afternoon we attended awhile a court martial before which a cadet was on trial, and passed a half hour with “Andy” and his friends in the barracks, very pleasantly. In the evening we dined again with the officers, who treated us with great courtesy, and attended a reception by the Colonel (Sarcelle?) commanding the Cadets and his wife [Yale, copy at MTP].

This is the official date of William Dean Howells’ resignation from the Atlantic, after making a contract with James R. Osgood & Co. for a fixed salary of $7,500 for one serialized novel per year, on which he would retain copyright and give up royalties on the first 10,000 copies sold. This put his annual salary at about $10,000. Howells had not had an increase in his $5,000 salary from Houghton in the past eight years. The change allowed him freedom to travel and write where he pleased [Goodman and Dawson 212-3]. (See Feb. 2 entry.)

Fred. Kingsley, Hartford, “meats, fish, poultry & vegetables” billed $47.79 “amt bill for pass book”; Fox & Co., “fine groceries, teas, wines & segars” billed $69.18 for “Mdse as per pass book” [MTP].

Woman’s Aid Society of Hartford receipted Livy $5 for year ending Mar. 1, 1882 [MTP].

March 1 Tuesday ca. – On or about Mar. 1 – Sam wrote from Hartford to his sister, Pamela Moffett about the Howard brothers issuing stock (see March, first half entry) [MTP].

Western Union  bill for Mar. 31 shows a telegram to New York on this date (see entry for others)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.