March 16, 1881 Wednesday

March 16 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to his sister, Pamela Moffett.

To-day we bought Mr. Chamberlain’s [Franklin Chamberlin (1821-1896) Hartford attorney] greenhouse & 100 feet of land adjoining our east line (to stop Mr. C. from building a dwelling house there); we have also set architect & builder to work to tear down our kitchen & build a bigger one; & at the same time the decorators will decorate the walls & ceilings of our whole lower floor.

Now also I am putting up a building in New York for my brass-casting works (Twain-Sneider patent.)—These things, taken together, require quite a generous pile of money—added to which, high-priced artists & engravers are already at work on my new book (which I am going to issue at my sole & heavy expense & take all the profit myself—if any.) Wherefore, much as I like the watch-making scheme, I’ve got to stay out of it, for the reason that the enterprises above mentioned are going to call for the most of our ready money [MTBus 150-51].

Powers lists the costs for the above plans: walls and ceilings, metal leaf designed by Tiffany & Co., $5,000; rebuilding and twenty-foot extension of the kitchen, $4,000; additional strip of land, $12,000; production costs for The Prince and the Pauper, $10,000 [MT A Life 448-50]. Not itemized was the New York building, which was never built. Webster [MTBus] adds that Sam “got into the ‘watch-making scheme’ eventually, either by taking over his sister’s stock or by buying some himself. It was a Fredonia enterprise and the stock was sold all around the town” [151]. Powers claims Sam purchased $5,000 worth of stock in the watch investment [452].

Sam also wrote to Dan Slote, relating how his purchase of Chamberlin’s land strip depended on the progress with the brass-stamping process. Dan had sent impressions made from the process and they arrived while the family was at breakfast. “Well, the land is mine, now, & he has gone down town to draw up the deed!” [MTBus 151].

Western Union bill for Mar. 31 shows a telegram to New York on this date, recipient unspecified (see entry for others).

R.R. Morris, pastor & Eldred E. Asher, President & Vincent E. Davis, Secy. wrote to acknowledge Sam’s gift of $78 “towards the liquidation of he debt of the $2500, due our church,” and to thank him for “your estimable and valuable service rendered us on last Thursday evening at our place of worship” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “ “African church” / Mch 16/81 / A.M.E. Zion Ch / Pearl St., Hfd.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.