• H. & S.B. Ice Co., 184
  • H. O’Neill & Co. (N.Y. Importers), 266
  • H.C. Gas Co., 204
  • H.E. Patten (Cleaners/Furnaces), 173, 196, 216, 282, 293, 301
  • H.L. Hoyt & Co., 160
  • H.L. Oliver & Son, 204, 224
  • H.M. Smith & Co., 51, 117
  • H.M.S. Orlando, 1061, 1063
  • H.S. Pratt & Co. (Hartford furnaces), 279
  • Habberton, John, 273, 277, 278, 626
  • Habenstein, E., 183
  • Haberdasher, The, 433
  • Haddon, Frederick W., 1073, 1080
  • Hagerty & Sons, 546
  • Hagerty, J., 546
  • Haggard, Henry Rider, 317
  • Hague family, 714
  • Hague, Mrs., 714
  • Hale, Edward Everett, 151, 603
  • Hale, Lucretia P., 242
  • Hales, A.G., 538
  • Halévy, Ludovic
    • L’Abbe Constantin, 562
  • Halford, Elijah W., 309
  • Hall, A. Miss, 797
  • Hall, Blakely, 432, 433, 489, 490, 543, 596, 599
  • Hall, Charles Sir, 727, 728, 729
  • Hall, Edward L., 717
  • Hall, Frederick J., 37, 41, 51, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 68, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 82, 84, 87, 152, 179,186, 187, 188, 194, 196, 200, 202, 204, 206, 212, 213, 221, 222, 225, 237, 241, 272, 278, 321, 339, 388, 389, 400, 412, 421, 436, 486, 501, 516, 533, 534, 545, 547, 553, 555, 562, 564, 566, 568, 584, 585, 586, 587, 589, 593, 598, 600, 601, 602, 603, 606, 608, 609, 611, 613, 614, 619, 622, 625, 628, 634, 639, 645, 661, 662, 663, 665, 667, 670, 673, 674, 679, 683, 684, 686, 687, 692, 699, 702, 707, 708, 712, 715, 719, 722, 725, 728, 730, 734, 735, 737, 739, 741, 745, 746, 747, 750, 752, 753, 756, 757, 758, 763, 765, 769, 772, 781, 782, 783, 786, 789, 790, 794, 795, 799, 800, 801, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 817, 818, 829, 830, 845, 859, 865, 869, 870, 888, 889, 892, 897, 898, 899, 901, 905, 906, 907, 912, 917, 923, 933, 946, 985
    • Argued for CY as trade book, 400
    • Became partner Webster & Co., 339
    • Cabled from England, 474
    • Made offer to Frohman, 443
    • Met with Samuel McClure, 615
    • Named Merry Tales, 696
    • Nervous about publishing CY, 375
    • Proposed emergency fund, 770, 772
    • Sent financial statement, 380, 381, 383, 446, 528
    • Sent report, 560
    • Signed buyout of Charles Webster, 331
    • Signed new Webster & Co. contract, 152
    • Traveled to Canada for copyright, 410
    • Traveled to Chicago, 415
    • Traveled to Elmira, 201
    • Traveled to England, 461
    • Visited embezzler in jail, 144
    • Visited Hartford, 593
    • Wrote SLC of no demand for war books, 313
    • Wrote to Sam, 47, 61, 62, 66, 73, 75, 78, 82, 86, 88, 185, 188, 189, 198, 200, 205, 210, 213, 216, 221, 231, 237, 239, 252, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272, 273, 274, 275, 279, 280, 281, 284, 290, 305, 309, 316, 319, 320, 322, 324, 328, 329, 331, 338, 340, 347, 350, 360, 370, 373, 377, 378, 380, 383, 384, 385, 389, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 401, 402, 406, 407, 411, 412, 422, 424, 425, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 436, 438, 439, 440, 441, 444, 446, 448, 451, 453, 454, 467, 480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 488, 489, 490, 497, 499, 500, 501, 502, 505, 507, 511, 515, 516, 521, 522, 524, 528, 529, 530, 533, 535, 537, 538, 541, 545, 546, 547, 548, 555, 557, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 573, 574, 576, 577, 578, 580, 582, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 615, 616, 617, 619, 644, 665, 669, 672, 679, 686, 694, 695, 700, 705, 724, 731, 743, 751, 771, 792, 795, 796, 797, 798, 801, 803, 805, 806, 808, 828, 864
    • Wrote to Sam from Paris, 471
  • Hall, Joseph (Hartford H.S.), 298
  • Hall-Brown, Lucy, 674
  • Halliday, Samuel B., 507
  • Hallock, L.H., 268, 273
  • Halsey, Mr. (Broker), 679, 683, 686, 708, 723, 728, 791, 802, 816
  • Halstead, Jenny, 663, 677
  • Halstead, Murat, 327, 677, 827, 829
  • Halton, James, 556
  • Halvorsen, Olaf, 470
  • Ham family, 1065
  • Hamann, Albert, 809
  • Hamann, Miss, 809
  • Hambourg, Mark, 1072
  • Hamburg-American Packet Co., 510
  • Hamby, W.J., 452
  • Hamersley, E.J., 274
  • Hamersley, William J., 2, 8, 10, 14, 54, 61, 88, 130, 331, 364, 409, 411, 415, 416, 496, 504, 514, 520, 521, 567, 569, 573, 575, 591, 613, 875
  • Loaned $2,500 for typesetter, 495
  • Hamill, D.B., 90
  • Hamilton, John (Colonel), 99
  • Hamilton, John N., 20
  • Hammond (Fed. Judge), 59
  • Hammond, John Hays, 1142, 1145, 1146
  • Hammond, Miss, 982
  • Hammond, Natalie (Mrs. John Hays Hammond), 927, 1142, 1144
    • Ill with premature childbirth, 1150
  • Hamon, Louis Count. See Cheiro
  • Hamong, Leigh de Count. See Cheiro
  • Hancock, Almira (Winfield Scott Mrs.), 26, 72, 73, 120, 192, 210, 215
  • Hancock, Mrs., 668
  • Hancock, Pamelia G., 105
  • Hancock, Winfield Scott, 18
  • Handy, M.P., 265
  • Handyside, Mr., 1068
  • Hanna, W.P., 390
  • Hannah, George, 496
  • Hannibal Gazette, 1204
  • Hannibal Journal, 1205
  • Hannibal Library Institute, 1204
  • Hannibal to St. Joseph Railroad, 9
  • Hannigan, D.F., 1066
  • Hansel, Sloan & Company (Jeweler), 517
  • Hansell, Paul, 160
  • Hapgood, Mrs., 926
  • Happy Isles and Other Poems, The by S.H.M. Byers, 571
  • Harbottle, C.V., 546
  • Harcourt, Alice Fischer, 866
  • Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 781, 828, 879
  • Hardy, Thomas, 1167
  • Harlem Southern Auld Lang Syne Society, 340
  • Harley, John H., 362
  • Harmston’s Menagerie, 1128
  • Harper & Brothers, 47, 213, 377, 384, 496, 508, 607, 608, 610, 611, 750, 925, 929, 936, 940, 959, 976, 983, 993, 994, 995, 996, 1000, 1004, 1009, 1011, 1015, 1032, 1049, 1050, 1098, 1112, 1122, 1125, 1131, 1135, 1139, 1145, 1157, 1158, 1163, 1166, 1168, 1177, 1180, 1187
  • Harper family, 936
  • Harper, Harry, 933, 936, 1193
  • Harper, J. Henry, 936, 939, 944, 976, 986, 1001, 1006, 1049, 1052, 1073, 1100, 1101, 1131, 1132, 1169, 1170, 1179, 1186, 1191, 1192, 1199
  • Harper’s Monthly Magazine, 31, 164, 412, 415, 454, 474, 495, 629, 976, 982, 1004, 1014, 1098, 1135, 1178
  • Harper’s Weekly Magazine, 295, 340, 348, 428, 649, 652, 880, 974, 986, 1004, 1051, 1150
  • Harraden, Beatrice, 877
  • Harrigan, Edward (Actor), 365
  • Harrington, A.G., 531
  • Harrington, H.E., 254, 513
  • Harrington, Jack, 1055
  • Harris Brothers, 167
  • Harris, Edward C., 144
  • Harris, George W., 242
  • Harris, H. for Star Lecture Course, 3
  • Harris, Joel Chandler, 1, 86, 219, 242
  • Harrison, Alexander, 839
  • Harrison, Benjamin, 50, 812
  • Harrison, Burton Mrs., 585
  • Harrison, Jane R., 680
  • Harrison, Katharine I., 887, 909, 911, 912, 916, 918, 933, 952, 955, 962, 969, 986, 991, 1001, 1002, 1015, 1024, 1101, 1158, 1171, 1183, 1186, 1189, 1194
  • Harrison, Louis Reeves, 514
  • Harrison, Lovell Birge, 880
  • Harrison, Walton, 259
  • Harry Edwards Fund, 687
  • Hart, Dr., 804
  • Hart, Emilie (Mrs. H.H. Rogers), 1157, 1158, 1197
  • Hart, Emilie Augusta Randel
  • Married H.H. Rogers, 1156
  • Hart, Lucius R., 1156
  • Harte, Bret, 146, 209, 211, 242, 317, 459, 488, 585, 589, 590, 610, 761, 792, 1059, 1060, 1064
  • Hartford Alumni of Yale, 346
  • Hartford Amusement Assoc. (Baseball), 135
  • Hartford and New York Transportation Co., 548
  • Hartford Art Society, 353, 473, 479
  • Hartford City Gas & Light Co., 140, 173, 230, 583
  • Hartford Club, 153, 167, 173, 216, 224, 804
  • Hartford Coal Co., 204
  • Hartford Conservatory of Music, 280
  • Hartford County Jail, 625
  • Hartford Courant, 2, 8, 19, 29, 45, 50, 72, 74, 98, 101, 104, 105, 110, 129, 133, 152, 162, 163, 196, 218, 257, 281, 283, 291, 307, 314, 316, 343, 417, 421, 430, 441, 466, 467, 470, 477, 490, 504, 576, 589, 605, 629, 701, 737, 749, 767, 832, 845, 939, 981. See
    • Reported MT’s house burglarized, 270
    • Reported on Twichell’s 50th, 277
    • Typesetting contest, 407
    • Wages, 250
  • Hartford Electric Light Co., 620
  • Hartford Engineering Co., 230
  • Hartford Foot Guard Armory, 366, 375
  • Hartford History, 91, 122
  • Hartford Hospital, 234
  • Hartford Lawn Club, 242
  • Hartford Library Association, 280
  • Hartford Opera House, 1213
  • Hartford Orphan Asylum, 492
  • Hartford Post Office, 520
  • Hartford Printing Co., 212, 301
  • Hartford Public High School, 253, 298
  • Hartford School of Music, 280
  • Hartford Silver Plate Co., 165
  • Hartford Times, 291, 307, 449
  • Hartford, Conn., 68, 111, 208, 245, 255, 268, 269, 324, 432, 550, 787, 866
  • Hartford, Ct., 1212, 1213
  • Hartford’s Unitarian Society, 1212
  • Hartley, J.S., 365
  • Hasafd, V., 99
  • Hatton, Joseph, 387, 486, 553, 555, 661
  • Haub, George (Tailor), 180, 226
  • Haute Savoie, 614, 623
  • Havel (Steamship), 713, 714, 715
  • Havre, France, 976
  • Hawaii Republic, 925
  • Hawaiian Legends, 93
  • Hawaiian revolution, 182
  • Hawdon, Miss, 1173
  • Hawera Star, 1088
  • Hawera, N.Z., 1088, 1089
  • Hawke’s Bay Herald, 1085
  • Hawke’s Bay, N.Z., 1084
  • Hawkesbury River National Park, 1094
  • Hawkins, William G., 523
  • Hawley Goodrich & Co. (Publishers), 150, 216, 618
  • Hawley Legislation, 13
  • Hawley, B.W., 222
  • Hawley, Edith A., 432
  • Hawley, Frederick, 180
  • Hawley, Joseph R., 11, 48, 75, 229, 238, 319, 335, 345, 346, 601, 939
  • Hawley, Joseph R. Mrs., 238
  • Hawthorne, Julian, 97, 571
  • Hay, John M., 12, 47, 50, 52, 63, 85, 86, 158, 242, 258, 345, 476, 835
  • Hay, Rosa (Rosina), 51, 52, 54, 56
  • Hayden, H.R., 351, 353
  • Hayes, Webb, 582
  • Haymarket riot, 38, 225, 262, 264, 456
  • Hayward, Alvinza, 441
  • Hayward, Florence, 1191
  • Hayward, J.K., 585, 606
  • Hazel Kirke (Play by Steele Mackaye, 1214
  • Head, Flora C., 223
  • Healy, D.F., 139, 192
  • Healy, George Peter Alexander, 666
  • Healy-Hutchinson, Walter (Gov.), 1140
  • Hearn, Laficadio
  • Stray Leaves from Strange Literatures, etc., 91
  • Hearst, George, 262, 345, 359, 504
  • Hearst, George Mrs., 505
  • Hearst, William Randolph, 250, 261, 262, 359
  • Sought article from SLC, 1158
  • Hearts (cards), 1055
  • Heaven and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg, 594
  • Heavenly Twins, The by Sarah Grand (Frances MacFall), 897
  • Heber, Reginald, 1099, 1116
  • Heckethorne, S.A., 287
  • Hedge, Thomas Jr., 55
  • Hedges, C.C., 347
  • Hegermann-Lindecrone, Johan Henrik, 963
  • Heidelberg, Germany, 642, 643
  • Heilprin, Angelo, 707
  • Heine, Heinrich, 194
  • Heinemann and Bolectier, Ltd., 597, 600
  • Heise (Special officer), 313, 316
  • Heisler, F.W., 504
  • Heizerton, Abner G., 268
  • Held by the Enemy (Play), 208
  • Helen’s Babies by John Habberton, 126, 273
  • Helena Daily Herald, 1032
  • Helena Hotel, 1032, 1033
  • Helena, Mont., 1022, 1032
  • Helena, Mont. Montana Club persons at, 1033
  • Heller, Mr. (Agent), 641
  • Henderson, George, 572
  • Hendley, Dr. (Jaipur), 1121
  • Henkin, Mr. (Agra, India), 1120
  • Henley, William Ernest, 418
    • A Book of Verses, 418
  • Henrietta, The (Play), 486
  • Henry Allen & Co., 789
  • Henry James
    • Little Tour in France, A, 642
  • Henry Ward Beecher’s Autobiography, 73
  • Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney, 1092
  • Herald Publishing Co., 508
  • Herald Square Theatre, 979, 986, 993
  • Herbert, Hillary Abner, 932
  • Here and there in Italy and over the Border by Linda White Villari, 764
  • Herne, James A., 473, 477, 479
  • Herrmann, Edward, 546
  • Hertz, Henrik, 807
  • Herzl, Theodor, 862
  • Hesse, Fanny C., 139, 387, 454, 866
  • Hewins, C. M. Miss (Librarian), 177
  • Hewins, Matt H. (Billiards Saloon), 199, 216
  • Hewitt, A.S., 836
  • Hewitt, Teddy, 359, 370, 381
  • Hezlep, Grace, 666
  • Hicks, Sallie, 208
  • Hicks, Urban E., 7, 14, 20, 31
  • Higbie, Calvin H., 108, 114, 246
  • Higginson, Thomas W., 151, 358, 456, 654, 818
  • Highgate-on-the-Hill, Australia, 1095
  • Hill Street House, 1204
  • Hill, Charles W., 235
  • Hill, David Bennett (N.Y. Governor), 161, 430, 834
  • Hill, Frank D. (US Consul), 927
  • Hill, Herbert E., 1
  • Hillier, Alfred F. Dr., 1165
  • Hills & Co, 620
  • Hills & Smith Co., 224
  • Hills, J. Coolidge, 461
  • Hillyer family, 771, 809, 1184
  • Hillyer, Drayton, 1184
  • Hillyer, Drayton Mrs., 768
  • Himalayan mountains, 1116
  • Himalayas and on the Indian Plains, In the by Constance Gordon-Cumming, 1001
  • Himes, George Henry, 7, 14, 20
  • Hinckley, N.G., 183
  • Hindoo Patriot, 1106
  • Hinds, Joseph E., 941
  • Hinds, Samuel Sothey, 941
  • Hinkley Locomotive Co., Boston, 211
  • Hinman, Russell, 818, 819
  • His Letters and Memories of His Wife by Charles Kingsley, 192
  • His Own Life Story by Bill Nye, 354
  • History and Antiquities of Pudsey, The by William Smith, 197
  • History of a Slave, The (author unk.), 1190
  • History of Civilization in England by Henry Buckle, 1099
  • History of England from the Accession of James II by Thomas Macaulay, 125, 1130
  • History of England in the Eighteenth Century, A by Lecky, 1212
  • History of England in the Eighteenth Century, A by William Lecky, 190
  • History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne by Lecky, 1211
  • History of Medicine in Missouri by Goodwin, 459
  • History of the Popes, Their Church and State, etc.by Leopold von Ranke, 1087
  • History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 451
  • History of the Town of Greene, Chenango County, N.Y. by Mildred Cochrane, 3
  • Hitt, Robert R., 260
  • Hoare, Robinson, 1064
  • Hobart Mercury, 1075
  • Hobart, Charles D., 668
  • Hobart, Tasmania, 1074
  • Hobart, W.S., 441
  • Hocken family, 1077
  • Hocken, Thomas M. Dr., 1077
  • Hodgkins, William Matthew, 1078
  • Hodgson, Richard Dr., 688, 693
  • Hofer, Annie Neumann, 766, 767
  • Hoffman House, N.Y., 520, 525
  • Hoffman, Heinrich Dr., 662
  • Hogue, A.S., 742, 747
  • Holbrook, E.L., 397
  • Holcombe, John M., 131, 254
  • Holcombe, John M. Mrs., 130
  • Holder, Charles, 331
  • Holdsworth, Annie E., 862
  • Holiday, Henry, 508
  • Holland, E.M. (Actor), 365
  • Holland, George, 468
  • Holland, W.A.H., 1159
  • Holley, Marietta (Mrs. Josiah Allen), 242
  • Holmes, C.D., 364
  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 151, 242, 295, 348, 358, 426, 585, 685, 872, 878, 1210, 1216
  • Holmes, Tom, 792
  • Holt (Publishers), 52
  • Homburg, Germany, 726, 729
  • Homer Lee Bank Note Co., 594
  • Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 1086
  • Honolulu, Hawaii, 1056, 1057
    • Quarantined, 1056
  • Hoogs, William H., 633
  • Hooker, Edward Beecher Dr., 183, 263
  • Hooker, Isabella Beecher, 281, 1161
  • Hooker, John, 218
  • Hooker, Sidney Douglass, 124
  • Hooper, Johnson J., 242
  • Hoosier Poet. See Riley, James Whitcomb
  • Hopkins, Pete, 633
  • Hopper, De Wolf, 368
  • Hopson & Chapin Mfg. Co., 63
  • Hopson, John Jr., 63
  • Horan, John, 726
  • Hornblow, Arthur, 755
  • Horne, John, 607, 1003, 1006, 1007
  • Horse Head county Boom, 158
  • Horseman, E.J., 133
  • Horsham Times, 1070
  • Horsham, Australia, 1069, 1070
  • Hosford, Miss, 601
  • Hosken, William, 1165
  • Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue (Sculptor), 699, 701
  • Hotchkiss (Labor leader), 666, 670
  • Hotels. See under each name
  • Hough, Niles P., 416
  • Houghton, Baron. See Milnes, Richard Monckton
  • Houghton, Henry O., 356, 505, 506, 668
  • Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 197, 198, 200, 211, 227, 563, 564
  • House of Lords, 375
  • House of Refuge, N.Y., 1011, 1012
  • House, Edward H., 40, 46, 49, 50, 52, 61, 63, 65, 67, 71, 73, 76, 89, 91, 105, 114, 115, 116, 127, 161, 166, 167, 178, 201, 206, 217, 251, 268, 270, 352, 355, 361, 365, 386, 466, 469, 471, 476, 485, 487, 540, 542, 543, 555, 568, 619, 881, 1116
    • Apolgized to Livy, 65
    • House-sat Clemenses house, 191
    • Sued MT over P&P play, 166, 176, 201, 466, 467, 468, 471, 472, 497
    • Visited Clemenses, 168
  • House, Koto, 48, 49, 64, 105, 114, 166, 217, 229
  • House-sat Clemenses house, 191
  • Houston, W.H., 587
  • How To Shoot by Caroline B. Le Row, 262
  • How We Went and What We Saw by C. McC. Reeve, 621
  • Howard, Blanche W., 265
  • Howard, Bronson C., 157, 158, 486, 670
  • Howard, Fanny G., 703
  • Howard, H., 440
  • Howard, Oliver O., 26, 272, 611, 739
  • Howe (Photographer), 320, 322
  • Howe, Julia Ward, 151, 358, 585, 872
  • Howe, W. Delancey, 385
  • Howell, S. Mr., 493
  • Howells family, 32, 435, 436, 582, 588, 593, 692, 875, 927
    • Grief at loss of Winny, 379
  • Howells, Elinor, 34, 69, 111, 262, 427, 435, 860
    • Ailing, 451, 600
  • Howells, John, 850, 904
  • Howells, Mildred (Pilla), 2, 17, 37, 69
  • Howells, Victoria M., 111
  • Howells, William Cooper
    • Death of, 944
  • Howells, William Dean, 2, 4, 7, 8, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 59, 60, 69, 86, 92, 111, 112, 120, 131, 133, 134, 135, 142, 150, 157, 160, 161, 167, 198, 209, 229, 242, 247, 257, 262, 264, 265, 331, 337, 340, 341, 355, 374, 379, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 407, 408, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 434, 435, 439, 451, 452, 454, 466, 471, 472, 473, 474, 476, 477, 479, 486, 493, 495, 559, 582, 585, 588, 589, 591, 594, 600, 602, 613, 614, 692, 698, 718, 731, 737, 778, 781, 791, 812, 834, 837, 841, 842, 843, 844, 850, 852, 853, 898, 944, 947, 956, 980, 1049, 1150, 1169, 1181, 1183, 1211
    • “Editor’s Study” in Harper’s, 674
    • Activism, 164
    • Agreed to read CY proofs, 401
    • April Hopes, 46, 134
    • Attended Clemens children’s play, 6
    • Boy’s Town, A., 559
    • Extended peace offering, 44
    • Influence on SLC, 399
    • Opinion of CY proofs, 415, 426
    • Opinion of Vereshchagin art collection, 324
    • Parting and a Meeting, A, 969
    • Political ideas, 456
    • Recalled the 1887 Longfellow Memorial readings, 151
    • Recommended Capt. Bourke, 583
    • Reviewed CY, 397, 460
    • Sent condolences to Livy, 563
    • The Shadow of a Dream, 430
    • Visited Clemenses, 430, 471
    • Visited Onteora Park, 523
    • Wrote of Natural Gas Jubilee in Ohio, 170
  • Howells, Winny, 26, 262, 456
    • Death of, 355, 379
  • Howland, Henry E. Mrs., 984
  • Howland, Henry M., 368
  • Howland, Louise A. (Mrs. Robert M. Howland), 473, 518
  • Howland, Robert M., 114, 246, 470, 518
    • Death of, 473
  • Howrah, India, 1126
  • Howson, Charles E., 227
  • Hoyt, Charles, 885, 888
  • Hoyt, H.L., 136
  • Hubbard Brothers, 157, 176, 287
    • Settlement with Webster & Co., 250
    • Sued Webster & Co. for libel, 611, 739
  • Hubbard, Gardiner Greene, 568, 574
  • Hubbard, Guy W., 495
  • Hubbard, Stephen A., 29, 35, 75, 196
  • Hudson, Edmund, 466
  • Hudson, New York, 176, 208H
  • udson, Vincent, 1204
  • Hull, William F., 445
  • Human Freedom League, 637
  • Hume, Maud, 351
  • Hummel, Abraham Henry (Atty.), 487, 1183
  • Humorous Masterpieces, editor Edward F. Mason, 101
  • Hundred Greatest Men, The by Wallace Wood, 273
  • Hunt, A.L., 235
  • Hunt, Ezra (Judge), 1204
  • Hunt, William, 775
  • Hunter, David, 1137, 1138, 1140
  • Hunter, N.W., 1212
  • Hunting & Hammond, 145, 167, 211, 232, 617
  • Huntington, Archer M., 839
  • Huntington, Mr., 832, 833
  • Hurd, William R., 140, 253
  • Hutchins, Stilson, 253, 405, 415, 460, 479, 481, 500
  • Hutchinson, Ellen Mackay, 138, 215, 360
  • Hutchinson, S. Africa, 1162
  • Hutt, N.Z., 1090
  • Hutton family, 749, 788, 832, 833, 851, 856, 936, 1200
  • Hutton, Eleanor V. (Mrs. Laurence Hutton), 921, 1197, 1201
  • Hutton, Laurence, 21, 22, 25, 157, 211, 228, 244, 252, 365, 517, 519, 551, 580, 726, 728, 731, 737, 743, 745, 747, 753, 754, 759, 766, 771, 772, 775, 816, 836, 857, 866, 870, 932, 978, 980, 1073, 1095, 1179, 1186, 1198, 1201
    • Reviewed JA in Harper’s, 1150
  • Huxley, Thomas, 1168
  • Hyde, Elizabeth, 170
  • Hynes, H.J., 363