• Kahn, Sahadeath, 1120
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II (Steamship), 714, 769, 774, 775, 776, 777, 791, 792, 793
  • Kaiser William II, 683, 705
  • Kaiserhaus Hotel, 811
  • Kaiserhof Hotel, Bad Nauheim, 722, 723, 724, 726
  • Kaiser-i-Hind Hotel, Jaipur, India, 1123
  • Kalakaua, David (King), 72, 93, 182, 187, 192
  • Kalm, Lili, 123
  • Kanpur, India, 1119, 1120
  • Kaolatype, 75, 77, 155, 159, 375, 376, 378, 417, 760
  • Karr, William S, 746
  • Karr, William S. Mrs., 746, 752
  • Kate Field’s Washington, 507
  • Kauffmann, Samuel Hay, 261
  • Kaye, Mr., 1065
  • Keary, Annie
    • Castle Daly, 202
    • Janet’s Home, 202
  • Keith, Dora, 826
  • Keith, Mr., 381
  • Kelcey, Herbert (Actor), 365
  • Keller, Auguste, 123
  • Keller, Helen, 818, 980, 981, 1197, 1198, 1200, 1201
  • Keller, Mary M. (Mrs. George Keller), 536
  • Kelley, Agnes V., 703
  • Kelley, J.G., 525
  • Kellip, Maggie M., 163
  • Kellogg, Clara Louise, 4, 10, 1027
  • Kellogg, E.W. Dr., 267, 557
  • Kelly, A.F., 249, 424, 461
  • Kelly, William D., 140, 599, 600
  • Kelsey, H.H., 373
  • Kemble, Edward Windsor, 193, 210, 242, 297, 394, 395, 609, 690
  • Kendall, W. Sergeant, 839
  • Kennan, George, 458, 501, 518, 585, 1017
  • Kennedy, Anthony, 241
  • Kennedy, Henry, 226
  • Kennedy, William, 288
  • Kenny, John C., 19
  • Kent Club of Yale, 142, 143, 144, 147, 152
  • Kentucky Stock Farm Magazine, 435
  • Kenyon, R.P., 472
  • Keokuk Gate City, 321, 432, 486, 879, 882, 1185
  • Keokuk Military band, 55
  • Keokuk Weekly Constitution, 55
  • Keokuk, Iowa, 6, 8, 31, 36, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 69, 78, 82, 83, 114, 117, 121, 124, 346, 421, 489, 529, 530, 531, 782, 936
    • Board of Health, 188
    • Clemenses planned visit, 48
    • SLC Visit canceled, 304
  • Ker, David
    • “Over the Cossack Steppes”, 355
  • Kernot (Prof.), 1065
  • Kerr, Orpheus C., 293
  • Keyes, M.E., 574
  • Kidnapped! by Robert Louis Stevenson, 179, 267
  • Kiefer, Adam, 826
  • Killgren, Dr., 942
  • Kimball, Arthur Reed, 998
  • Kimball, F.W., 616
  • Kimball, James N., 563
  • Kimball, John C., 262, 264
  • Kimball, M.J. Mrs., 687
  • Kimball, Mary, 616
  • Kimberley Club, 1161
  • Kimberley Mine, 1161
  • Kimberley Town Hall, 1161
  • Kimberley, S. Africa, 1160, 1161
  • Kinchinjunga, Mount, 1117
  • Kinderstubengeschichten by Robert Niedergesass, 292
  • King of Belgium, 113
  • King Rene’s Daughter, etc. (Play) by Henrik Hertz, 807
  • King sisters, 744, 745, 747, 748
  • King Williams Town, Cape Colony, 1153, 1154
  • King, Annie Ragan, 174
  • King, Charles, 184, 585
  • King, E.P., 678
  • King, Grace Elizabeth, 172, 173, 174, 175, 178, 179, 208, 216, 217, 218, 237, 282, 293, 296, 302, 315, 319, 321, 324, 325, 327, 462, 505, 585, 586, 639, 708, 711, 747, 748, 825, 843, 847, 910
    • Bible reading with MT & others, 175
    • Earthlings, 322
    • Hiked with MT & Twichell, 175
    • Impressions of MT, 172
    • In seclusion, 179
    • Invited for weekend, 214
    • Monsieur Motte, 321
    • Rejected by Augustin Daly, 325
    • Opinion of Florence, 740
    • Opinion of Gen. Lucius Fairchild, 178
    • Visited Clemens family, 311
    • Visited Smith College with MT, 325
    • Visited Villa Viviani, 740
    • Wrote of trip to NY with Clemenses, 323
  • King, H.C., 99
  • King, Horace, 75, 77
  • King, Horatio C., 376
  • King, Nina Ansley, 175
  • King, Sarah Ann Miller, 217, 311, 319
  • Kingsbury, Alice, 543
  • Kingsley & Co., 584, 587
  • Kingsley, Charles
    • His Letters and Memories of His Wife, 192
  • Kingsley, Henry, 1100, 1198
  • Kingsley, J.S., 639
  • Kingston, C.C., 1068
  • Kingstone, Cecil, 383
  • Kinney, John C., 129, 314, 383, 417, 516, 520, 589, 605
    • Death of, 605
  • Kinney, Sam T., 609
  • Kinney, Sara Thomson, 19, 417, 606
  • Kinsey, Joseph J., 1079, 1081, 1083, 1090, 1091
  • Kinsey, Sarah G. (Mrs. Joseph Kinsey), 1083
  • Kinsmen Club, 144, 211, 252, 253, 270
  • Kip, Mr. (Buffalo), 856
  • Kipling family, 778, 780
  • Kipling, Rudyard, 86, 382, 390, 403, 404, 488, 530, 600, 778, 831, 866, 867, 956, 1019, 1047, 1160
    • First met MT, 402
    • Interviewed MT, 491
    • Mine Own People, 625
  • Kirck, H.C., 286
  • Kirkwood Street African M.E. Church of Dover, Delaware, 33
  • Kissel Fire Brick Co., 375
  • Kitching, B.L.W., 1159
  • Kitton, Frederic G., 94, 97
    • Dickensiana: A Bibliography, etc., 97
  • Klenk & Co., N.Y., 614
  • Knapp & Co., 120
  • Knapp, N. Dr., 393
  • Kneipp’s Water-Cure, 593
  • Knevals brothers, 735, 846, 857, 863, 996
  • Knevals, Caleb B., 858, 895, 918
  • Knevals, Lambert, 858
  • Knevals, S.W., 858, 895
  • Knickerbocker, Emma, 5
  • Knight, John L., 613
  • Knight, John M., 517
  • Knighthood in the Order of Pius, 224
  • Knighton, William, 1104, 1190
  • Knights of Labor, 13, 24, 28, 264
  • Knights of Pythias, 686
  • Knoflach, A., 614
  • Knowles, Judge, 1033
  • Knowlton (District Atty.), 891
  • Knowlton Brothers, 938
  • Knowlton, G.W., 938
  • Knox, Thomas W., 65, 67, 257, 259, 350, 351
  • Knox, William M. (Belfast), 246
  • Koch, Frau (Berlin music teacher), 712
  • Koch, John V., 133
  • Koerner, Marie (Governess), 364
  • Körner, Anna, 620
  • Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811
  • Kruger, Paul, 1145, 1146
  • Krugersdorp Times, 1149
  • Krugersdorp, S. Africa, 1149
  • Kryger, Jacob, 473
  • Kuh, Henry, 250
  • Kuka, Mehrjibhai N., 1105
  • Kumar Shri Samatsinghji (Prince), 1107, 1110
  • Kunz, George Frederick (Gem expert), 213, 219
  • Kurhotel, Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, 803, 807