• A. Marwick Jr. & Co. (Hartford Druggist), 77, 145, 197, 263
  • A.D. Vorce & Co., 153, 184
  • A.L. Bancroft & Co. of S.F., 499
  • A.W.P. Club, Allahabad, 1109
  • Abaun, Leon, 322
  • Abbey & Co., 1125
  • Abbey, Edwin A., 34, 466
  • Abbey, Henry C., 866, 868, 870
  • Abbey’s Theatre, 840, 845
  • Abbott, Jacob
  • Rollo Books, 165
  • Abbott, Lyman, 133
  • Abel, Anthony E., 752
  • Abell, E.W., 416
  • Abell, Elizabeth H., 592
  • Aberdeen, Lady, 214
  • Aberdeen, Lord and Lady, 1052
  • Aberigh-Mackay, George Robert, 1121
  • Abraham Lincoln: A History by John M. Hay and John G. Nicolay, 85
  • Abrams, Anna, 2
  • Abry, Helen M. (Dressmaker), 284
  • Abry, Mary A. (Dressmaker), 177
  • Academy (London), 927
    • Reviewed £1,000,000 Bank-Note, 802
  • Academy of Design, New York, 478
  • Academy of Music, Pittsfield, Mass, 343
  • Academy of Natural Sciences, 707
  • Academy of Science of Texas, 247
  • Acklom family, 1122
  • Adam statue, 753
  • Adams Express Co., 166, 211
  • Adams, Charles Francis Sr., 12
  • Adams, George W., 379
  • Adams, Henry, 12
  • Adams, John D., 969, 990, 1000, 1009
  • Adams, John Quincy, 12
  • Ade, George, 862
  • Adelaide Advertiser, 1068, 1097
  • Adelaide Club, 1069
  • Adelaide Zoological Gardens, 1097
  • Adelaide, Australia, 1068, 1096, 1097
  • Adeler, Max. See Clark, Charles Heber
  • Adventures of a Fair Rebel by Matt Crim, 571
  • Adventures of An Old Maid by Belle C. Greene, 125
  • Adventures of Baron Munchausen. The, 2
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 15, 31, 32, 52, 59, 107, 108, 154, 331, 336, 366, 490, 491, 499, 572, 584, 601, 604, 684, 690, 741, 757, 765, 830, 848, 856, 964, 1099, 115
    • Cheap edition, 593, 600, 673, 739
  • Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The, 19, 83, 120, 128, 168, 279, 411, 725, 745, 819, 827, 842, 862, 916, 958, 964, 1081, 1212
    • (unauthorized play), 205, 279, 413, 776
    • Influenced by Shillaber’s Ike, 558
  • Advocate (Earville, Ill.), 219
  • Advocate, The (Catholic), 1067
  • Aflalo, F.G., 1194
  • African Critic, 1158
  • Agra, India, 1120
  • Aguilar Free Library Society, 584
  • Ahern, James (Plumber), 216
  • Aitkin family, 1065
  • Aitkin Son & Co., 147, 215, 224, 620
  • Aix-les-Bains, France, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 634, 635, 637, 639, 665, 904, 910, 912, 915, 916, 920
  • Ajmeer, India, 1122
  • Aklom family, 1120
  • Albany Drill Hall, Grahamstown, 1159
  • Albany Evening Union, 374, 375, 376, 378
  • Albany Journal, 216
  • Albany, Western Australia, 1099
  • Albury, Australia, 1064
  • Alcott, Louisa May
    • Death of, 254
  • Alden, Henry M., 47, 213, 264, 320, 321, 377, 384, 496, 607, 608, 610, 611, 725, 741, 750, 925, 929, 959, 969, 983, 996, 1050
  • Alden, John B., 283
  • Alden, W.H., 1157
  • Alden, William Livingstone, 168, 171, 177, 242, 934
  • Aldgate, Australia, 1068
  • Aldine Club, N.Y., 895
  • Aldrich, Lilian W. (Mrs. T.B. Aldrich), 16, 856
  • Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 17, 151, 211, 242, 244, 258, 270, 365, 437, 542, 579, 585, 587, 685, 764, 836, 845, 856, 878, 882
  • Alerts Baseball team, 101
  • Alexander & Green Attorneys, 5, 7, 36, 41, 59, 62, 67, 79, 336, 357, 358, 363, 364, 366, 367, 369, 370, 371, 375, 380, 383, 412, 413, 418, 444, 477, 545
  • Alexander, Andrew, 620
  • Alexander, Eben, 921
  • Alexander, Henry M. (Atty.), 5, 7, 36
  • Alexander, John White (Illustrator), 295, 1051
  • Alexandra Hall, New Plymouth, 1088
  • Alexandre Dumas
    • Man in the Iron Mask, The, 655
  • Alfred Lord Tennyson by Arthur Waugh, 862
  • Algie, William, 468, 470
  • Algonquin palace, 356
  • Allahabad Pioneer, 53, 54, 382, 402, 403, 491, 530, 1119
  • Allahabad Pioneer Mail, 382, 402, 491, 530
  • Allahabad, India, 1108, 1109
  • Allee (Steamship), 830
  • Allen, Chilion Brown, 177
  • Allen, Frederick B., 277
  • Allen, Henry G. Mrs., 29
  • Allen, Mary A., 177
  • Allen, Robert Mrs., 11
  • Allen, T. Ernest, 722
  • Aller (Steamship), 107
  • Alley, Henry Ware, 546
  • Allington, Earl & Countess, 727
  • Allyn & Blanchard & Co., 612
  • Allyn Hall, Hartford, 316
  • Allyn, Frank Mrs., 1043
  • Allyn, Jack, 335
  • Alofa & Fortuna Islands, 1058
  • Alta California, 578
  • Altemus, George W., 291
  • Amandus Scholzig’s abbey, 1138
  • Ambulinia. See Royston, Samuel Watson
  • American Academy of Political and Social Science, 572
  • American Ballot-Box Assoc., 111, 113
  • American Bank Note stock, 62
  • American Claimant, The, 42, 49, 131, 133, 134, 156, 161, 472, 473, 477, 479, 495, 581, 582, 587, 588, 600, 606, 608, 609, 611, 613, 614, 615, 622, 627, 634, 635, 662, 669, 674, 676, 680, 685, 686, 687, 698, 699, 722, 748, 750, 768, 806, 896, 901
    • Dictated on the phonograph, 292, 589
    • Poor sales, 757
    • Review of, 766
    • Serialized in newspapers, 678
  • American Claimant, The (Play), 204, 207, 209, 211, 215, 478, 493, 594, 726
  • American College and Education Society, 704
  • American Copyright League, 325, 421, 428, 512, 542, 554
  • American Exchange Co. stock, 58, 62
  • American Exchange National Bank, 66
  • American Garden (Magazine), 400
  • American Historical Association, 368
  • American Literature, 1607-1885 by Charles F. Richardson, 1
  • American Literature: An Elementary Text-Book by Hawthorne and Lemon, 571
  • American Missionary Association, 555
  • American Notes & Queries, 372, 477
  • American Printers’ Exchange, 436
  • American Publishers’ Copyright League, 249
  • American Publishing Co., 6, 34, 161, 188, 191, 226, 290, 311, 461, 600, 602, 626, 667, 679, 689, 739, 745, 746, 763, 767, 770, 771, 842, 899, 940, 941, 944, 945, 955, 956, 965, 966, 973, 1008, 1010, 1122, 1132, 1163, 1166, 1195
  • American Revision of the Bible, 212
  • American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 640
  • American Society for Psychical Research, 688, 722
  • American Society of Authors, 602
  • American Steamship Line, 924
  • American Water Color Society, 478
  • American Writers of To-Day by Henry Clay Vedder, 698, 779
  • Ames, Oliver, 235
  • Anaconda Standard, 1030, 1031
  • Anaconda, Mont., 1030
  • Anarchy by Thompson, 238
  • Ancona, Mario, 881
  • Anderson, L. Pet Mrs. (Medium), 164
  • Anderson, Mary, 915
  • Andrews, Edward Dr., 245
  • Andrews, Harriet D., 353
  • Andrews, S.J., 461
  • Angel’s Camp, 619, 1187
  • Angelus Quartet, Owl Club, 1164
  • Angus, W.C., 668
  • Angus, William Craibe, 418, 668
  • Annals of Bohemia by Daniel O’Connell, 664
  • Annecy, 614, 623, 626, 635
  • Anson, A.C. (Pop), 368
  • Anson, Mae Harris, 586
  • Anthony, A.V.S., 362
  • Anti-Spoils League, 902
  • Ants, Bees, and Wasps, etc. by John Lubbock, 1127
  • Appleton & Co., 219, 221, 499, 1215
  • Archbold, John Dustin, 859, 861, 864, 865, 881, 914, 1194
  • Archeological Club, 461
  • Archer County, Texas land, 73, 1131
  • Archibald, J.F., 1063, 1094
  • Arden, Edwin, 107
  • Argosy, 286
  • Ariadne by Louis Pendleton, 293
  • Arkansas Federation of Women’s Clubs, 381
  • Arkansas Traveler, The, 158
  • Arles, France, 654, 655
  • Arlington Club, Portland, 1039
  • Arlington House, Washington D.C., 38, 255, 257, 258, 261, 335, 505, 532, 538, 575
  • Armitage, William, 602
  • Arms Academy, Shelburne Falls, Mass., 282
  • Armsmear, 872
  • Armstrong, A.C., 223, 265, 266
  • Army and Navy Club of Conn., 162
  • Army and Navy Journal, 31, 164
  • Arnold Constable & Co., 140, 174, 216
  • Arnold, Alfred, 699, 701
  • Arnold, Cheney & Co. (Exporters), 1083
  • Arnold, Matthew, 162, 201, 265, 266, 267, 283, 503, 878, 1216
  • Arnot, Matthias Hollenback, 414, 448, 485, 494, 495, 496, 507, 528, 607, 716, 725, 753, 757, 758, 760, 765, 788, 790, 791, 795, 803, 866
    • Invested in typesetter, 526
  • Arrah-na-Pogue, or The Wicklow Wedding (1864 play), 485
  • Arringdale, Jere F., 27
  • Art et Critique, 700
  • Art of Authorship, etc. by George Bainton, 310
  • Art of Sketching, The by Gustave Fraipoint, 758
  • Art of Teaching and Studying Languages, The by Francois Gouin, 717
  • Arthur, J.W., 540
  • Arundel Castle (Steamship), 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136
  • Arundel, R.E. (Captain), 1054, 1056
  • As You Like It, 456
  • Ashenhurst, J.O., 295, 304
  • Ashtabula Disaster Fund, 686, 691
  • Associated Literary Press, 223
  • Astor House, N.Y., 541
  • Astorhouse, John J., 293
  • Asylum Hill Congregational Church, 29, 30, 142, 276, 277, 555
  • Asylum Hill Congregational Society, 154
  • Athenaeum (London), 658, 766, 916, 968
    • Reviewed £1,000,000 Bank-Note, 807
  • Athenæum Club, Sydney, 1061
  • Athenaeum Hall, Melbourne, 1095
  • Athenian (Steamship), 1152, 1153, 1154
  • Atkins, Mr. M.P.,, 729
  • Atkinson & Co., 739
  • Atlanta Constitution, 118, 121, 668
  • Atlantic Lyceum Bureau, 709, 712
  • Atlantic Monthly, 627, 634, 754
  • Atlantic Telegraph Co., 23
  • Atlee & Earnest, attorneys, 513
  • Atterbury, J.W., 9
  • Auckland Star, 1083
  • Auckland Triad, The, 1084
  • Auckland, N.Z., 1082, 1083
  • August Gast Bank Note Co., 532
  • Austen, Jane, 1091, 1131
  • Austin, Alfred, 1115
  • Austin, Ben W., 699
  • Austin, L.F., 474, 1144, 1156
  • Australasia by Alfred Wallace, 1082, 1192
  • Australia Hotel, Sydney, 1060, 1061, 1064, 1092, 1093, 1094
  • Australian Jockey Club, 1062
  • Australian Star, 1014, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063
  • Author’s Clipping Bureau, 489
  • Author’s Club, 36, 37, 97, 98, 381, 448, 453, 672, 696, 870, 1181, 1188
    • Dues, 136
    • Watch Night, 239, 453, 457, 460
  • Authors & Actors Carnival, 748
  • Authors Copyright League, 11, 237
  • Authors’ Reading at Chickering Hall, 222
  • Autobiographia, or, the Story of a Life by Walt Whitman, 676
  • Autobiography of Mr Robert Smith of Camelot (CY), 128
  • Avery, G.W. Dr., 461
  • Avignon, France, 650, 653, 654, 655
  • Ayer, Ellery S., 263
  • Aylmer, Major and Mrs., 1119