• L’Abbé Constantin by Ludovic Halevy, 562
  • La Bourboule, France, 920, 921, 922, 924, 925, 926
  • La Bourgogne (Steamship), 508
  • La Cossitt, Henry, 1204
  • La Gascogne (Steamship), 508, 685
  • La Voult, France, 651
  • Labadie-Lagrave, M., 977
  • Labouchère, Henry (Baron Taunton), 663, 667
  • Labouchère, Mary Lady, 359
  • Labully Hotel, 647
  • Lachalte, James, 705
  • LaCopitt, Jane A., 662
  • Lacy, John F., 109
  • Ladies Home Journal, 390, 606, 608, 609, 611, 612, 614, 790
  • Laffan family, 66, 772, 832, 904
    • Visited in Florence, 773
  • Laffan, Georgiana Ratcliffe (Mrs. William Mackay Laffan), 66, 68, 773, 871, 876
  • Laffan, William Mackay, 3, 11, 22, 46, 65, 68, 74, 76, 96, 97, 100, 109, 122, 123, 126, 204, 216, 219, 223, 247, 256, 291, 307, 356, 364, 393, 413, 509, 512, 553, 609, 613, 770, 775, 791, 841, 856, 862, 951, 957, 963
    • Canvasser for art book, 272
  • Lafferty, Mary Miss, 564
  • Lahn (Steamship), 719, 720
  • Lahore Civil & Military Gazette, 1123
  • Lahore, India, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126
  • Lake Bourget, 626, 645, 646, 655
  • Lake Como, 709, 710, 711
  • Lamb, Charles, 325
  • Lamb, Harry, 615
  • Lamon, Ward H., 671
  • Lamprecht, Mrs., 542
  • Lampton, Eleanor (Aunt Nelly), 249, 252
  • Lampton, Elizabeth (Mrs. James J. Lampton)
    • Death of, 1061
  • Lampton, Ella Hunter, 18, 91, 107
  • Lampton, James A.H., 1209
  • Lampton, James A.H. Dr., 262
  • Lampton, James J., 139, 150
  • Lampton, Kate, 92
  • Lampton, Samuel, 133
  • Lampton, William, 133
  • Lançon, Madam, 736, 738, 761, 765, 796, 833
  • Land Question, The: What It Involves and How Alone It Can Be Settled by Henry George, 758
  • Lane, Emma, 254
  • Lane, John A. (Actor), 244, 250, 365
  • Lane, Joseph (Brit), 330
  • Lane, Joseph G. (Hartford grocer), 222, 243, 286, 330, 416
  • LaNeaugan, Annette (Ann Lannigan), 527
  • Lang, Andrew, 335, 458, 479, 610, 1168
    • Opinion of HF, 584
  • Langdon family, 820, 824, 975
  • Langdon, Charles J., 45, 72, 78, 85, 86, 92, 93, 96, 146, 155, 182, 191, 195, 228, 239, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 253, 266, 273, 284, 300, 301, 357, 359, 382, 384, 386, 389, 390, 396, 403, 409, 411, 414, 418, 424, 426, 433, 493, 507, 522, 551, 553, 564, 565, 599, 610, 612, 613, 674, 716, 723, 724, 725, 780, 787, 788, 789, 790, 799, 803, 804, 806, 808, 819, 821, 828, 829, 833, 866, 931, 985, 1005, 1006, 1009, 1014, 1015, 1024, 1125, 1169, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1180
    • Cabled SLC of Susy’s death, 1174
    • Opinion of Fred Hall, 801
  • Langdon, Ida B. (Mrs. Charles J. Langdon), 716, 1181
  • Langdon, Jervis, 930
  • Langdon, Jervis Jr., 2, 814
  • Langdon, Julia, 92, 226, 382, 433, 745, 828, 1112, 1181
    • Visited Clemenses, 228
  • Langdon, Olivia Lewis, 61, 92, 93, 96, 100, 122, 123, 180, 226, 267, 327, 328, 329, 370, 380, 420, 433, 448, 452, 455, 488, 501, 1005
    • 78th Birthday, 297
    • Death of, 560, 562
    • Failing, 529, 530, 556, 557, 559
    • Funeral, 561
    • Loaned Sam $10,000, 553
  • Langhorne, W.H., 723
  • Langtry, Lillie, 239
  • Lanigan, George T., 242, 378
  • Lannagan, Ann. See LaNeaugan, Annette
  • Lanston typesetter, 466
  • Largs Bay, South Australia, 1096
  • Larned, Josephus Nelson (Librarian), 183, 187, 263
  • Larned, Miss, 33
  • Larrowe, Marcus Dwight. See Loisette, Professor
  • Last Days of General Grant, The by J.H. Douglas, 231
  • Lathrop, George Parsons, 151, 365, 393, 545
  • Launceston, Tasmania, 1074
  • Laurence family, 665
  • Lawrence (Judge), 358
  • Lawrence, Frank R., 829, 835
    • Introduced MT at Lotos Club Dinner, 835
  • Lawrence, New York, 65, 66, 68
  • Lawson, Albert, 215
  • Lawson, Thomas W., 1004
  • Lawson, Victor F., publisher, 377, 380
  • Laxmi Vilas Palace, 1108
  • Layard, Austen Henry, 771
  • Layard, Henry, 771, 796, 1149
  • Layard, Henry Mr. & Mrs., 772
  • Lazarus, Emma
    • Death of, 227
  • Le Capitaine Magon [?] Les Mercenaires, etc. by Leon Abaun, 322
  • Le Figaro, 947
  • Le Gallienne, Richard, 1168
  • Le Havre, France, 622, 896
  • Le Row, Caroline B., 93, 108, 112, 114, 120, 122, 129, 130, 133, 134, 136, 142, 158, 161, 163, 169, 178, 207, 213, 262, 318, 602
  • Leader (Melbourne weekly), 1064
  • Leader, The (Port Elizabeth), 1159
  • Leaman, William, 681
  • Learned, Walter, 394
  • Leary, Katy, 253, 405, 434, 557, 559, 561, 620, 622, 630, 643, 716, 979, 980, 1169, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1179, 1180, 1185
    • Opinion of Oscar Wilde, 718
    • Remembered Susy’s death, 1168, 1169
    • Sent back to Elmira, 656
  • Leathers, Jesse M., 26, 92, 135
    • Death of, 131, 133
  • Lecky, William Edward Hartpole, 1211
  • Lee & Shepherd’s bookstore, Boston, 435
  • Lee, Dorrall, 890
  • Lee, Homer, 594
  • Lee, S.A., 266
  • Legends and Myths of Hawaii, The etc. by David Kalakaua, 72, 120, 187, 188, 305
  • Leigh, Oliver H., 338
  • Leipzig, Germany, 811
  • Leith House, Dunedin, 1077
  • Leland, Charles G., 242, 342
  • Lemon, George E., 122
  • Lemon, Leonard, 571
  • Leopold (King), 400, 987
  • Lepers of Molokai, The by Charles Warren Stoddard, 26
  • LeRoy, A.A., 556
  • Leslie, Elsie, 328, 336, 351, 352, 359, 360, 377, 384, 397, 411, 419, 438, 446, 455, 467, 469, 470, 471, 474, 475, 498, 503, 508, 671, 855
    • As Little Lord Fauntleroy (Play), 328
    • Wrote thanks, 422
  • Letter, The (Northampton, Mass.), 1109
  • Levey, L.J., 1054
  • Levy, Arthur, 481
  • Lewenhaupt, Claes, 220, 221
  • Lewis & Clark, 1029
  • Lewis the Light, 663
  • Lewis, Annie Miss (Actress), 107
  • Lewis, Charles E., 107, 108
  • Lewis, Dio, 212
  • Lewis, Henry B. (livery), 140, 216
  • Lewis, James (Actor), 2, 244, 264, 365
  • Lewis, John T., 461
  • Lewis, L.P., 152
  • Lewis, Sinclair, 852
  • Leypoldt, A.H., 349
  • Libby, William H., 973
  • Liber Scriptorum. See First Book of the Authors Club, etc.
  • Liberty pole at Navesink Highlands, N.J., 540
  • Library and Studio, 624, 677
  • Library of American Literature, 138, 139, 215, 225, 238, 254, 273, 301, 308, 316, 317, 324, 335, 359, 360, 370, 378, 411, 454, 482, 486, 511, 516, 521, 533, 534, 561, 564, 598, 601, 665, 672, 673, 680, 683, 684, 702, 712, 756, 757, 758, 763, 764, 789, 791, 797, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 810, 823, 827, 828, 864, 873, 896, 923
    • Problems of, 595
    • Proposed sale of, 801, 803, 804, 805
    • Scheme to sell stock in, 530
    • Sold to Wm. Benjamin for $50,000, 828
  • Library of Congress, 959, 1051
  • Library of Universal Adventure by Sea and Land by Howells & Perry, 160
  • Liebert, A.C., 469
  • Liebling, Leonard M., 327
  • Life among the Convicts by Dr. Chalfant, 213
  • Life and Letters of Roscoe Conkling, The etc. by Alfred Conkling, 335, 348
  • Life and Times of Jefferson Davis Proposed book by H.W. Cleveland, 305
  • Life Magazine, 80, 484
  • Life of Benvenuto Cellini, etc., The by John Symonds, 720
  • Life of Christ by Henry Ward Beecher, 134, 192
  • Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle by Mrs. Alexander Ireland, 571, 601
  • Life of Pope Leo XIII by Father Bernard O’Reilly, 3, 51, 73, 75, 120, 139, 193, 194
  • Life on the Mississippi, 1, 20, 36, 109, 490
  • Life, S.J., 466, 482
  • Lifetime with Mark Twain, A by Mary Lawton, 434
  • Light Magazine, 413, 416
  • Lilliehōōk, 224
  • Lilly, Mrs., 933
  • Lincoln University, 79, 80, 83, 90
  • Lincoln, Abraham
    • Loved to Quote Nasby, 251
  • Lincoln, Seyms & Co., 620
  • Lind, G. Dallas, 113
  • Lindau, Paul, 658
  • Lindau, Rudolf, 658, 671, 674, 688
  • Lindley, Mrs., 1164
  • Lindon, William, 395, 419
  • Lingg, Louis, 225
  • Lippincott, William H., 180
  • Lippincott’s Magazine, 322
  • Litchfield, Grace Denio, 585
  • Literary Digest, 977
  • Literary News, 349
  • Literary Opinion, 717
  • Literary Tales No. 1 by Boston Home College, 459
  • Literary World (Boston), 832
    • Reviewed CY, 480
  • Literature: An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 281
  • Littell’s Living Age, 862
  • Little Lord Fauntleroy (Play) with Elsie Leslie, 328
  • Little Minister, The by James Barrie, 719
  • Little Tour in France, A by Henry James, 642
  • Littleton, George W., 150
  • Littlewort, C.J., 1164
  • Livre de Lecture et de Conversation by Prof. C. Fontame, 909
  • Lloyd family (Stoningham, Austr.), 1095
  • Lloyd, W.B., 620
  • Lobedanz, Dr., 831
  • Loch, P.L. (Agra, India), 1120
  • Locke, David Ross (Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby)
    • Death of, 251
  • Lockwood & Co., 591
  • Lockwood family, 902
  • Lockwood, Ingersoll, 137
  • Loeb, Louis (Illustrator), 842, 970
  • Logan, James, 668
  • Logan, John A., 12, 15, 49, 110, 112, 116
  • Logan, John A. Mrs., 122
  • Logan, Olive, 81, 549
  • Lohengrin by Wagner, 665
  • Loisette memory system, 119, 171, 186, 282, 440
  • Loisette, Alphonse (Marcus Dwight Larrowe), 119, 129, 137, 140, 146, 178, 255, 256, 259, 263, 267
  • Lombard, J.S., 47
  • London Academy
    • Reviewed CY, 483
  • London Athenaeum, 480, 661
  • London Chronicle, 960, 1174, 1195
    • Reviewed Tom Sawyer Abroad, 907
  • London Daily Telegraph, 463, 465, 1178
  • London Letters and Some Other Things by George Washburn Smalley, 103
  • London Library, 1190
  • London Morning Post, 958
  • London New Review
    • Reviewed CY, 474
  • London Pall Mall Gazette, 14, 18, 32, 47, 50, 64, 68, 105, 146, 158, 243, 341, 344, 447, 449, 454, 490, 533, 603, 952, 958
  • London Quarterly Review
    • Reviewed P&P, 1007
  • London Republican Chronicle, 71
  • London Spectator reviewed CY, 497
  • London Star, 384, 447, 479, 533
  • London, England, 915, 983
  • London. A New Edition by Walter Besant, 965
  • Lone Tree Hill, Bendigo Austr., 1072
  • Long, James Verner, 764
  • Longerenong Agricultural College, Horsham, 1069
  • Longfellow Memorial, 143, 150
  • Longfellow Memorial Committee, 141, 143, 145
  • Longfellow, Earnest Mr & Mrs, 788
  • Longfellow, William Pitt Preble, 775, 776
  • Longhead, Flora Haines, 216
  • Longman’s Magazine, 15
  • Longstreet, James, 220
  • Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy, 431, 670
  • Loomis, Charles Battell, 1002, 1019
  • Lord, Sylvanus, 616
  • Loring, Mr., 738, 753, 755, 773
  • Los Angeles Times, 93, 596, 1043
  • Loss, Francis H. Jr., 172
  • Lost Leaders by Andrew Lang, 335
  • Lotos Club, 23, 42, 184, 216, 266, 350, 351, 352, 413, 682, 686, 687, 814, 829, 830, 834, 835, 841, 845, 850, 980, 1187, 1201
  • Lottery of Life, The (Play) by John Brougham, 324
  • Loughran, Edward Booth, 951
  • Louisville Courier-Journal, 133
  • Lounsbury, Thomas R., 393, 482
  • Lounsbury,Thomas R., 716
  • Lourenço Marques, Mozambique, 1136
  • Love Chase, The (Play) by Susy Clemens, 442
  • Lovelane, Bombay, 1105
  • Low Tide on Grand Pré: A Book of Lyrics by Bliss Carman, 758
  • Low, Herbert, 1060, 1064, 1073, 1092, 1094
  • Low, Seth, 852
  • Lowell, James Russell, 97, 149, 150, 151, 158, 229, 242, 459, 1003, 1006
    • Death of, 634
  • Lubbock, John, 1100, 1127, 1131
  • Lucas’ White Hart Hotel, Horsham, 1069
  • Lucerne, Switzerland, 656, 711, 732, 733, 734
  • Lucia B. Griffin’s Catchy Cullings, etc. by Lucia B. Griffin, 494
  • Lucifer matches, 91
  • Luckie, David Mitchell, 1082, 1083
  • Lucknow, India, 1118, 1119
  • Luern, G., 224
  • Lukens, Henry Clay (Erratic Enrique), 493, 495
  • Lummis, Dorothea, 674
  • Lummis, Edward W., 40, 44
  • Luska, Sidney, 585
  • Luxilla by George Ernest Miller, 48
  • Luzernhof Hotel, Lucerne, 656
  • Lyall, Alfred, 1099
  • Lyceum (Dublin), 502, 509
  • Lyceum Theatre, N.Y., 41, 42, 49, 209, 211, 212, 1189
  • Lyde, Elsie Leslie. See Leslie, Elsie
  • Lyle, D.C., 529
  • Lynch, G.W., 351, 430, 455
  • Lynch, Mr., 370
  • Lyon, France, 649
  • Lyrics and Rhymes: Some Annals of Adelaide, etc. by James Sadler, 1069
  • Lyttelton Times, 1079, 1080
  • Lyttelton, N.Z., 1081