• M.T.R.&G. Club, 669
  • Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1130
  • History of England, etc., 125, 126
  • MacDonald, Anna S., 481
  • MacDonald, George, 452, 459, 1211
  • MacDonald, Louise (Mrs. George MacDonald), 1211
  • MacDonald, Mary C., 296, 297, 298, 328, 347, 353, 399
  • Macdonald, T.H., 592, 593
  • MacFall, Frances Elizabeth. See Grand, Sarah
  • MacGowan, D.[?] T., 73
  • Macgowan, James G., 901, 920, 973, 984
  • Mackay, John W., 8, 95, 437, 441, 472, 514, 520, 522, 524, 528, 577, 840, 841, 842, 843
    • Inspected typesetter, 524
    • Invested in typesetter, 525, 526
  • Mackaye, Steele, 1214
  • Mackby, William Sir & Lady, 773
  • Mackenzie, Alexander, 1112
  • Mackinaw, Mich., 1017, 1018
  • Macmillian, Maurice, 497
  • MacVeagh family, 1183
  • MacVeagh, Margaretta, 851
  • MacVeagh, Wayne, 851, 852, 857, 1183
  • Macy & Co., N.Y., 307
  • Madden, Louise M., 266
  • Maddens family, 1062
  • Madeira, Spain, 1165, 1167
  • Madison Square Garden, 158, 250, 731, 780, 835, 836, 837, 868, 870, 874, 888, 892, 893, 972
  • Madison, New Jersey, 818
  • Madras Standard, 1128
  • Madras, India, 1127
  • Magee, George J., 94, 136, 931
  • Magonigle, Henry J., 586
  • Maharajah in Jaipur, 1123
  • Mahinapua (Steamship), 1081, 1082
    • Ran aground, 1081
  • Mahomed Bagh Club, Lucknow, India, 1119
  • Mahorney, Gertrude A., 373
  • Majors and Minors: Poems by Paul Dunbar, 1180
  • Malet, Edward, 663, 727
  • Malleson, George Bruce, 1098, 1102
  • Mallison, H.M. (or Mattison), 587
  • Mallison, M.N., 273
  • Mallory, Marshall H., 622, 626, 696, 708, 718, 729
    • Involved with typesetter, 608
  • Malvern, Australia, 1073
  • Man from Snowy River and Other Verses by Andrew Paterson, 1094
  • Man in the Iron Mask, The by Alexandre Dumas, 655
  • Man Wonderful in the House Beautiful, The etc. by Chilion & Mary Allen, 177
  • Manchester Guardian
    • Reviewed CY, 462
  • Mandeville, John, 474
  • Mangan, John E., 369
  • Manhattan Club, 841, 860, 861
  • Manhattan Press Clipping, 686
  • Maning, Frederick. See Ross, Malcom
  • Manitoba Club reception, 1026
  • Manitoba Hotel, 1024
  • Manitoba Morning Free Press, 1024
  • Manivet, Hotel, 654, 655
  • Manning Collegiate Institute, 517
  • Mantz, Mary Emily, 141, 153
  • Engaged to Samuel Moffett, 147
  • Married Samuel E. Moffett, 157, 161
  • Maori Council House, 1088
  • Maplecroft Dairy, 253
  • Mararoa (Steamship), 1074, 1075, 1076, 1091, 1092
  • Maratta, Daniel W. (US Consul), 1064
  • Marienbad, Germany, 624, 628, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 645, 655
  • Marionettes d’Arc et Fantoches Francais, 1133
  • Mark Twain (Private, court-martialed), 796
  • Mark Twain Birthday Book by Edith Anna Somerville, 54, 60
  • Mark Twain impersonator, 282
  • Mark Twain Reading Club (Iowa), 490
  • Mark Twain’s Library of Humor, 2, 3, 4, 24, 59, 69, 134, 135, 137, 154, 167, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 209, 210, 211, 218, 219, 221, 225, 226, 233, 237, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 248, 251, 254, 259, 267, 269, 270, 276, 279, 282, 297, 300, 304, 395, 500
    • Canadian publication, 268
    • London publication, 268
    • Profits from, 460
    • U.S. publication, 268
  • Mark Twain’s Memory Builder, 76, 163, 282, 585, 587, 592, 593, 600, 610, 686, 692
  • Mark Twain’s Scrap-book, 122, 457, 486, 490, 677, 703
  • Mark Twain’s Scrap-Book, 490
  • Markham, Annie J., 548
  • Markham, H.H., 744
  • Marks Brothers, 162
  • Marquam Grand Theater, Portland, 1039
  • Marquis of Lorne. See Campbell, John D.S.. See Campbell, John D.S.
  • Marriage of Figaro Opera by Mozart, 698
  • Married the Wrong Man by B. Mendenhall, 734
  • Marseilles, Charles, 703
  • Marsh, Hamilton Mrs., 874
  • Marsh, John B. (Elmira music teacher), 300
  • Marshall, Edward, 920
  • Marston, A.P., 699
  • Marston, Edward, 448, 462, 466, 467, 471, 478
  • Marston, Mrs., 307
  • Marti, Jose, 158
  • Martin, B.E. Dr., 875
  • Martin, Dr. (old Naval Surgeon), 901
  • Martin, Violet (Martin Ross), 60
  • Martin, W. (Capt.), 1152
  • Martin, W.J., 133
  • Marvels of Animal Life by Charles Holder, 331
  • Marvels of the West by Thackeray, 416
  • Marvin Safe Co., N.Y., 432
  • Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser, 1072
  • Maryborough Town Hall, 1072
  • Maryborough, Australia, 1072
  • Marysville, Ks., 1205
  • Masinghji, Thakur Saheb, 1105
  • Mason, Edward F., 101
  • Mason, Frank, 726, 728, 732, 748, 769, 778
  • Masonic Hall, Bendigo, 1066
  • Masonic Hall, Johannesburg, 1149
  • Masonic Hall, Krugersdorp, 1149
  • Masonic Hotel, Nelson, N.Z., 1082
  • Masque of Culture (Play), 845, 849, 851, 856, 866
  • Massen, Louis (Actor), 365
  • Master of Silence, The: A Romance, by Irving Bacheller, 80, 676
  • Master, The; A Novel by Israel Zangwill, 1100
  • Mathews, Mary E. Miss, 109
  • Matson, Louise R., 245
  • Matson, William L. Mrs., 130, 136
  • Matthews, Brander, 201, 224, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 250, 365, 517, 518, 584, 585, 681, 690, 852, 856, 868, 898, 904, 1135, 1146, 1151
  • Matthews, Edith Virginia Brander, 910
  • Maungatapu Mountain Murders, The by David Luckie, 1082
  • Maungatapu Murders, Nelson N.Z., 1082
  • Maurer, Emily I., 327
  • Mausie (Servant), 1114
  • May, William M., 170
  • Maybee, Hamilton W., 426
  • Mayer, Nathan Dr., 253, 273
  • Maynard, Isaac Horton (Judge), 834
  • Mayo, Edwin, 1180, 1186
  • Mayo, Frank, 43, 44, 881, 894, 947, 979, 984, 986, 988, 989, 991, 993, 994, 1004, 1005, 1084, 1117, 1122, 1130, 1135
    • Death of, 1154, 1157, 1180
  • McAleer, Patrick, 59, 101, 139, 153, 154, 165, 166, 170, 171, 179, 182, 192, 202, 206, 215, 218, 222, 230, 236, 299, 401, 407, 412, 416, 463, 603, 620, 820, 981, 1180, 1181, 1200
  • McAlister, Mr., 1186
  • McAllister, (Samuel) Ward, 500, 501, 502, 507
  • McAlpine, Frank
    • Our Album of Authors, etc., 241
  • McArthur, A.W., 625
  • McBeath, Tom F., 742
  • McCabe, C.C., 462
  • McCall, James Mrs., 743
  • McCann, Joseph, 29
  • McCarter, B., 1085
  • McCarthy, Mr., 89
  • McCarty & Cleary, 140, 153, 165, 173, 184
  • McClellan, George B., 11, 19, 27, 28, 50, 59, 101
  • McClellan’s Own Story, 14, 19, 107, 193, 194
  • McClintock, Frank, 615
  • McClung, Thomas Lee (Footballer), 720
  • McClure, D., 99
  • McClure, Edward H., 436
  • McClure, Robert, 628, 635, 690, 692
  • McClure, Samuel S., 86, 223, 317, 613, 614, 615, 625, 635, 645, 661, 689, 690, 692, 722, 725
    • Paid $12,000 to serialize AC, 615
  • McClure’s Magazine, 86, 1150
  • McClure’s Syndicate, 86, 581, 619, 622, 627, 628, 629, 634, 644, 645, 659, 665, 669, 678, 679, 681, 682, 687, 689, 691, 728, 901
  • McCollister Bros. (Publishers), 619
  • McComb, John, 529, 578
  • McComber, Joel, 232
  • McConniff, John, 669
  • McCook, John J., 289, 432, 433, 450, 451, 497, 499
  • McCormick, Wales R., 7, 20, 248, 321
  • McCrae, Miss, 1083
  • McCray, Florence T., 226
  • McCreary, T.W., 686, 691
  • McCulloch, S. Mr. & Mrs., 1063
  • McCulloch, Sue Mrs., 1066, 1067, 1095
  • McDonald, J.T., 685
  • McDowell, E.D. Dr., 261, 459
  • McDowell, John, 261
  • McDowell, Joseph Nash, 459
  • McDowell, May King, 174, 179, 323
  • McDowell, William O., 520, 540, 637
  • McDowell’s Cave (Hannibal), 1, 261
  • McElroy Family (Keokuk), 54
  • McEwen, Arthur, 443, 762, 995
  • McGivern, H.J., 669
  • McGlynn, Edward, 181
  • McGraw, Jennie (Mrs. Daniel Fiske), 698
  • McGuinn, Warner T. (student), 6, 10, 89
  • McHard, Rufus Mrs., 985
  • McHenry, Louise H., 667
  • McIllwain, R.C., 55
  • McKay, F.A., 259
  • McKechnie, J.T., 424
  • McKelway, St. Clair, 835
  • McKinley, William, 127, 1189, 1193
  • McLaren, Elizabeth T., 456
    • Dr. John Brown and his Sister Isabella, 471
  • McLauchlan, J.C., 1079
  • McLaughlin, James Fairfax, 571
  • McMillan typesetter, 216, 540
  • McMurray, T.P. Mrs., 406
  • McMurray, Thomas P. (Pet), 7
  • McNeilly, H. (Cub apprentice), 418
  • McQuigg, Rosa E., 671
  • McRonald, Thomas, 180
  • Mead, H. W., 791, 792, 793
  • Mead, Mary J. (Mrs. Larkin G. Mead), 860
  • Means, James, 458
  • Mechanics’ Institute, Horsham, Austr., 1069
  • Medical Dictionary, A by Robert James (1743), 471, 751
  • Medill, Joseph, 783
  • Mediterranean Winter Resorts by E.A. Reynolds Ball, 689
  • Medlicott Co., 295
  • Mehta, Framjee C., 1106
  • Mein, Thomas, 1146
  • Meisterschaft, 7, 193, 194, 241, 700, 741
    • Unauthorized play, 250
  • Meisterschaft (Play), 213, 224, 226, 278, 308
  • Meisterschaft, French, 7
  • Melbourne Age, 1064, 1065, 1068
  • Melbourne Argus, 1060
  • Melbourne Australasian, 1065
  • Melbourne Cup, 1076
  • Melbourne Evening News, 1065, 1066, 1072
  • Melbourne Herald, 1064, 1065
  • Melbourne Punch, 1066
  • Melbourne Weekly Times, 1065
  • Melbourne, Australia, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1068, 1072, 1095
  • Melville, Eva, 128
  • Melville, Herman
    • Death of, 653
  • Melville, Landon D., 572
  • Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson, A, 293
  • Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman by William Tecumseh Sherman, 459
  • Memoirs of the Margravine of Bayreuth, 682
  • Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut James Hammond Trumbull ed., 91
  • Memorial to Caldwell Hart Colt, A, 975
  • Memory of a Manager by Daniel Frohman, 469
  • Men of the Time by Routledge, 515
  • Mendellsohn, Bankers Berlin, 645
  • Mendenhall, B., 734
  • Menton, France, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694
  • Menzies Hotel, Melbourne, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1072, 1073
  • Menzies, H., 1070
  • Merchant, Mary P., 678
  • Merchants’ and Planters’ Gazette (Curepipe), 1133
  • Meredith, George
    • Diana of the Crossways, 78
    • Egoist, 78
    • Lecture on, 555
  • Mergenthaler Linotype, 3, 11, 55, 65, 70, 71, 74, 109, 216, 219, 222, 246, 248, 252, 369, 379, 384, 397, 420, 444, 446, 466, 488, 494, 499, 500, 508, 525, 530, 536, 538, 583, 951, 953, 961, 963
    • On trial at the NY Tribune, 185
  • Merriam, W.H., 548
  • Merrill, Bradford, 335
  • Merrill, F.T., 362
  • Merritt, Miss, 169
  • Merritt, Wesley, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37, 39, 126, 159
  • Merry Tales, 204, 629, 676, 684, 696, 697, 699, 700, 701, 705, 742, 752, 1199
    • Registered at Copyright Office, 696
  • Metcalf, Lorettus S., 264, 265, 266, 267
  • Metcalf, Willard Leroy (Illustrator), 839, 881
  • Metcalfe Hall, Agra, India, 1120
  • Metcalfe, James S., 389
  • Methodist Book Concern, 109, 537
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y., 362
  • Metropolitan Opera House, 275, 350, 368
    • Wallack Tribute, 275
  • Metropolitan Opera House, Minneapolis, 1020, 1021
  • Metternich’s memoirs, 191
  • Mexican Plug, 1209
  • Mexico book (Proposed), 153
  • Meyer, Eugene (piano teacher), 138, 153, 166, 177, 181, 224, 246, 251, 272, 285, 317, 328, 490, 534
  • Meyer, Ferdinand, 1067
  • Meyrowitz Bros. (Opticians), 181, 228, 283, 285, 410
  • Michelangelo Buonarotti Botticelli (cat), 748
  • Middleton & Brother (N.Y. jeweler), 275
  • Midge, The by Henry Cuyler Bunner, 48
  • Midland News and Karroo Farmer, 1161
  • Mighels, Ella Sterling (Cummins)
    • Story of the Files
    • A Review of California Writers and Literature, 758
  • Milan, Italy, 734
  • Milcke, Franz, 615
  • Miles, John F. (Sheep rancher), 1079
  • Military Service Institution, Governors Island, N.Y., 59, 62, 98, 99
  • Miller, Annie Jenness, 676
  • Miller, DeWitt, 1189
  • Miller, George Ernest
    • Luxilla, 48
  • Miller, Joaquin, 14, 175, 585, 761, 1211
  • Miller, Mrs., 1067
  • Millet family, 879, 904
  • Millet, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Francis D. Millet), 846, 878
  • Millet, Francis Davis, 199, 365, 368, 772, 823, 846, 1144, 1213
  • Millicent Library, Fairhaven Mass., 848, 856, 878, 890, 891
    • Dedication, 890
  • Milligan, A., 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140
  • Mills Commission, 362
  • Mills, Abraham G., 362, 363, 367, 369, 370
  • Mills, Charley, 141
  • Mills, D.O., 761
  • Mills, J. Harrison, 141
  • Milnes, Richard Monckton, 1211
  • Milton, John, 202
  • Mind Cure, 36
  • Mine Own People by Rudyard Kipling, 625
  • Minister of Veilby, The by Steen Blicher, 963
  • Minneapolis Journal, 1021
  • Minneapolis Northwestern Miller, 912
  • Minneapolis Penny Press, 1021
  • Minneapolis Progress, 1021
  • Minneapolis reception, persons present at, 1022
  • Minneapolis Times, 1021, 1024
  • Minneapolis Tribune, 1022
  • Minneapolis, Minn., 1020, 1023
  • Minnie, Louise D., 94
  • Minturn, Miss, 882
  • Miquel, Herr, 663
  • Miromiya, Ejiro, 619
  • Missoula Evening Republican, 1030, 1032, 1034, 1035
  • Missoula, Mont., 1033, 1035
  • Mitchell, Donald G. (Ik Marvel), 585
  • Mitchell, Eleanor Varnum, 1216
  • Mitchell, F.W., 669
  • Mitchell, Henry Willis, 603
  • Mitchell, S. Weir Dr., 355
  • Mody, Jeewanjee Jamshedjee, 1106
  • Moeller’s Occidental Hotel, Wellington, N.Z., 1089
  • Moffett nieces, 56
  • Moffett, Anita, 157
  • Moffett, Francis Clemens, 157
  • Moffett, Pamela, 30, 31, 35, 42, 45, 56, 60, 63, 82, 88, 107, 113, 123, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 147, 153, 161, 187, 193, 207, 212, 234, 276, 303, 371, 388, 416, 421, 507, 543, 619, 694, 725, 766, 787, 791, 821, 892, 903, 908, 912, 922, 996, 1012, 1086, 1204
    • Visiting in Keokuk, 376
  • Moffett, Samuel E., 20, 63, 88, 113, 115, 125, 132, 137, 141, 147, 153, 187, 261, 303, 324, 377, 381, 418, 436, 437, 442, 443, 447, 725, 805, 821, 881, 951, 984, 989, 995, 996, 999, 1046, 1049, 1051, 1055, 1078, 1079, 1096, 1129, 1148, 1158, 1205
    • Married Mary Emily Mantz, 157
    • Met Sam in Tacoma, 1039
    • Planned a trip east, 371
    • The Tariff; What it is and What it Does, 676
  • Moffett, William A., 56
  • Moghalserais, India, 1111
  • Mohamed Bagh Club, Lucknow, India, 1119
  • Molaro Hotel, Rome, 696, 697, 701, 703
  • Molesworth (Judge), 1065
  • Molly Maguires, 69
  • Mommsen, Theodor, 661, 677, 681
  • Monday Evening Club, 1, 14, 28, 90, 92, 133, 138, 140, 231, 262, 508, 1216
  • Monday Evening Club, Boston. See Boston Monday Evening Club
  • Monk, Hank, 262
  • Montana Club, 1032
  • Montreal Club, 247
  • Moody, Dwight L., 101, 213
  • Mooney, Edward (Capt.), 52
  • Moonlight and Six Feet of Romance by Dan Beard, 676
  • Moore, Julia A., 1091
  • Moore, Luca L., 453
  • Moore, Opha (editor), 413, 416
  • Moore, Robert H., 107
  • Mordecai, Mamie B., 662
  • Moretti Club, 331
  • Moretti’s Restaurant, 331, 337, 341
  • Morgan & Ives, attorneys, 497
  • Morgan, John Pierpont, 199
  • Morgan, Mr., 973
  • Morley, M.W., 180
  • Morley: Ancient and Modern, etc. by William Smith, 66, 91
  • Morphy, Paul (Chess champion), 698
  • Morris, Charles, 99
  • Morrison, John A., 83
  • Morrison, John H., 314
  • Morse, Edward Sylvester (Zoologist), 251
  • Morse, Leonard (Atty.), 216
  • Morse, Mr. (US Consul), 926, 942, 949
  • Morton, Alexander (Curator), 1075
  • Morton, J. Sterling, 778, 781, 782
  • Morton, J.F., 470, 511
  • Mosby, Virginia S., 339, 431
  • Moseley, Gilbert G., 154, 218
  • Moskowski, Moritz (Music teacher), 655, 707, 736
  • Mosse, Rudolf, 675
  • Mott, Edward H., 248, 435
  • Mott, Joseph Cooper, 1112
  • Mott, T.B., 34
  • Moulton, Ellen Louise Chandler, 150, 667
  • Moulton-Barrett, Arabel, 755
  • Mount Auburn, Mass., 435
  • Mount Morris Bank, 5, 62, 89, 408, 413, 433, 505, 507, 594, 634, 640, 686, 702, 731, 735, 762, 772, 795, 804, 806, 808, 817, 864, 865, 897, 905, 906, 908, 910, 911, 918, 923, 946, 1125, 1135, 1182, 1189
  • Mousha (Servant), 1103
  • Mouza (Servant), 1120
  • Mozambique Channel, 1136
  • Mr. Billy Downs and his Likes by Richard Malcom Johnston, 676
  • Mt. Hermon Boys’ School, 101
  • Mugwump political rally, 316
  • Mugwumps, 285
  • Munich, Germany, 799, 800, 801, 811
  • Munro, Bruce W., 36, 117, 130, 143, 144, 429
  • Munro, John, 1214
  • Munsey, Frank A., 286
  • Murphy, C.A. (US Consul), 1068
  • Murphy, John Miller, 1042
  • Murphy, Mrs., 833, 1209
  • Murray family (Dr. in Columbo), 1129
  • Murray Hill Hotel, 32, 33, 34, 39, 83, 84, 88, 92, 96, 98, 162, 163, 180, 181, 207, 256, 257, 264, 274, 282, 305, 306, 315, 322, 349, 360, 361, 363, 368, 369, 412, 413, 415, 475, 479, 480, 508, 509, 529, 539, 620, 786, 787, 789, 790, 811, 813, 817, 844, 845
  • Music Hall, Cleveland, 1013, 1015
  • Mussey, Fred D., 706
  • Mutual Club of Woodland, Calif., 465
  • Mutual Hall, E. London, 1154
  • Mutual Life Ins. Co., 254, 513
  • Mutual Publishing Co. Hartford, 160
  • Muzaffarpur, India, 1118
  • Muzzy, Wallace W., 336
  • My Life and Experiences by Oliver O. Howard, 272
  • My Life with Stanley’s Rear Guard by Herbert Ward, 571
  • My Years on the Stage by John Drew, 157, 158
  • Myers, Frederic W.H., 680, 1195
  • Myers, Harry, 466