The Brianza

Brianza (Italian: [briˈantsa], Lombard: [briˈãː(t)sa]) is a geographical, historical and cultural area of Italy, at the foot of the Alps, in the North-West of Lombardy, between Milan and Lake Como.  The area of the modern day Brianza was originally settled in the 2nd millennium BC or even earlier. Brianza is in Lombardy, the region named after the Longobards, who arrived around the 570s, after the Celtic and the Roman expansion. The spread of Christianity in Brianza dates back to the 3rd century, owing much to Saint Ambrose. There, St. Augustine of Hippo (as documented by himself in his Confessions) had lived at Rus Cassiciacum (now Cassago), during the period after his conversion and just before his baptism by Bishop Ambrose. In the Middle Ages the Cathars, the Humiliati and the Pataria religious movement rose and fell in several towns of Brianza. The Franciscans flourished instead and remain to the present day. Most of the region follows the Ambrosian Rite of the Catholic Church in communion with the Pope in Rome.

From Bædeker:

Railway from Milan to Camerlata in 1 1/2 hr.; fares 5 fr. 45, 4 fr., 2 fr. 85 c.; omnibus thence in 20 (in the reverse direction 35) min. to Como and the steamboats, 50 c. Through-tickets to Como , Tremezzina, Cadenabbia, Bellaggio, Menaggio, and Colico may be purchased at the railway-station at Milan. Tickets for luggage must be given up at Camerlata; otherwise it will remain there till claimed.

The railway traverses the fertile plain, luxuriantly clothed with vineyards, mulberry-plantations, and fields of maize, and intersected by innumerable canals and cuttings for purposes of irrigation. First stat. Sesto.

Monza (*Palazzo Reale; Angelo; Falcone; *Albergo del Castello ) is a town with 15 ,587 inhab. Leaving the station and following the Corso d 'Italia to the r., the traveller reaches the Cathedral, the principal attraction here . It was erected in the 14th cent. on the site of a church founded in 595 by the Lombard queen Theodolinda. It consists of nave and transept, and two aisles with chapels.

Interior. In the N. aisle the sarcophagus of Queen Theodolinda; in the E. transept reliefs of the 13th cent., supposed to represent the coronation of Emp. Otho III., or that of Henry Ill. - In a casket forming the centre of a richly decorated cross over the altar, r. of the choir, is preserved the celebrated Iron Crown, with which 34 Lombard kings were crowned. The last coronations for which this venerable relic was employed were those of the Emp. Charles V., of Napoleon in 1805, and of Emp. Ferdinand I. in 1838. It consists of a broad hoop of gold adorned with precious stones, round the interior of which is a thin strip of iron, said to have been made from a nail of the true Cross brought by the empress Helena from Palestine. In 1859 it was carried off by the Austrians, but after the peace of 1866 was restored to its former repository. - The Treasury contains several objects of historical interest: a hen with 7 chickens in gold, representing Lombardy and its 7 provinces, executed by order of Queen Theodolinda; the queen's crown, fan, and comb; two silver loaves, presented by Napoleon I. after his coronation; the cross which was placed on the breast of the Lombard kings at the moment of their coronation; goblet of Berengarius; diptychs (ivory tablets with reliefs) etc.; then, in a cabinet outside the treasury, the mummy of one of the Visconti, who died in 1413. The treasury is shown for a fee of 1 fr. for 1 - 2 pers.; it also contains a model of the iron crown.

The Broletto, or town-hall, of the 13th cent., with round arched windows and tower, is believed to be part of a palace of the Emp. Frederick I. and the Lombard kings. The royal Summer Palace near Monza is a large building with an extensive and beautiful park , traversed by the Lambro. The church of the Madonna di Tirano contains frescoes by Luini, Gaudenzio Ferrari, and Cesare da Sesto .

From Monza to Lecco omnibus twice daily. 14 M . Carsaniga. The beautiful hills of the Brianza to the l. are studded with country residences of the wealthy Milanese. A bridge constructed in the 14th cent. crosses the Adda where it emerges from the Lake of Lecco. 14 M. Lecco .

The hilly tract which comes in view farther on, r. of the railway, is the fertile Brianza, with its numerous country-residences. The train passes through several tunnels and reaches stat. Desio, then Seregno a town with 5000 inhab.

The Route to Bellagio through the Brianza, strongly recommended to pedestrians, especially to those who have seen the Lake of Como from the steamboat only, is conveniently made from Seregno. The traveller should, however, drive as far as Canzo, a distance of 16 1/4 M ., and proceed thence on foot. At the station of Seregno carriages are generally in waiting to convey passengers to Canzo , fare 5 - 7 fr. , but exorbitant demands are frequently made. An omnibus (3 fr.) runs in the morning daily, except Sundays, from Canzo to Seregno, returning in the evening; the traveller therefore who avails himself of this conveyance must pass the night at Canzo, in which case he will be enabled to start on his walk early on the following morning. A carriage-road leads from Canzo to Bellaggio, but the country is very hilly, and walking is pleasanter and hardly less expeditious than driving .

The road from Seregno to Canzo intersects the W . side of the Brianza, an undulating , grassy , partially wooded , and extremely fertile tract, 12 M. in length, 6 M. in breadth, extending between the Lambro and the Adda, and stretching N.E. to the vicinity of Lecco. At Inverigo, about one-third of the way, rises the *Rotunda, a handsome and conspicuous country-residence with small park and admirably kept garden, the property of the Marchese Cagnola, situated on an eminence in the midst of vines, mulberry and other fruit- trees, and commanding an extensive prospect.

Where this road crosses that from Lecco to Como , near Erba, several small lakes are situated, W. the Lago d ' Alserio, E. the Lago di Pusiano. The road now enters a more mountainous district, and the scenery becomes more attractive. Caslino, possessing considerable silk-factories (filatorie), rises picturesquely on the slope of the hill. The road follows the course of the small river Lambro.

Canzo (*Croce di Malta, the first house on the 1. An agreeable liqueur, called Vespetro, is manufactured at Canzo), almost contiguous to Asso, 1 1/4 M. beyond. At the entrance of Asso is a very extensive silk-manufactory (Casa Versa).

The road now gradually ascends for a considerable distance in the picturesque valley of the Lambro, the Vall' Assina , the slopes of which are well wooded; it passes through several villages , (2 1/ 4 M .) Lasnigo, ( 2 1/4 M .) Barni and Magreglio , where the ascent becomes more rapid; first view of both arms of the Lake of Como from the eminence near the ( 1 1/4 M .) Chapel.

Delightful *survey of the entire W . arm to Lecco and far beyond, from the rear of the first church of (1 1/4 M .) Civenna, with its graceful tower. The road now runs for 2 1/4 M. along the shady ridge of the mountain which extends into the lake at Bellaggio; beyond the chapel the following striking views are obtained: the W. arm of the lake (of Como), the remezzina with the Villa Carlotta and Cadenabbia, the E. arm (Lake of Lecco), a large portion of the road of the E. shore, the entire lake from the promontory of Bellaggio to Domaso, and the rising ground with the Serbelloni park.

The road winds downwards for about 3 M., passing the Villa Giulia on the r., and 1/2 M. before Bellaggio is reached, the church yard of the place, containing the monument of the painter Carlo Bellosio, several of whose pictures are to be seen at Bellaggio. From Civenna to the hotels at Bellaggio on the lake 2 hrs. walk .

A longer route which will reward the pedestrian is by the Monte S . Primo (5200 ft.). Ascent from Canzo with guide in 4 - 5 hrs. , descent to Bellaggio 2 1/ 2 hrs. Magnificent panorama from the summit, comprising the Brianza as far as Milan, the Lago Maggiore, Lago di Varese, the Lake of Como to the N. as far as the Alps from Monte Rosa to the Splügen.

Farther on, beyond stat. Seregno, tbe long, indented Monte Resegone rises on the r. Stat. Camnago, then a small tunnel, and stat. Cucciago. Above Camerlata (Café della Stazione ed Albergo ; a good trattoria, opposite the post-office, near the station) rises the lofty old tower of the Castello Baradello, once frequently occupied by Frederick Barbarossa. The harbour of Como is 1 1/2 M . from the station at Camerlata; omnibus thither in 20 min . (50 c. ) .

Diligence from Camerlata to Varese on the arrival of the trains from Milan; on the arrival of the first train also to Laveno on the Lago Maggiore , in 5 hrs. From the Corona omnibus (2 fr. 10 c .) to Capolago in connection with the steamboat to Lugano . In the morning and evening Swiss diligence (from the stat, at Camerlata) to Lugano in 3 1/2 hrs., Bellinzona in 7 1/2 hrs., Lucerne (over the St. Gotthard , R . 4) 'in 25 1/2 hrs., Coire (over the Bernardino , R . 6 ) in 24 1/2 hrs. (in the morning only ).

Como ( 705 ft.) (* Angelo ; * Italia , R . from 1 1/2 , L . 1/2 , B . 1, D . 3 , A . 1/2 fr. ; both on the harbour, with cafés and restaurants ; in the vicinity a bath-establishment ; • Trattoria di Frasconi Confalonieri, a restaurant in the Italian style, near the harbour , at the W . end of the gallery. Corona , outside the Porta Milanese), with 20 ,614 inhab ., birthplace of the younger Pliny and of the experimental philosopher Volta ( d . 1826 ; his statue by P. Marchesi is on the W . side of the town near the harbour), is situated at the S . extremity of the S . W . arm of the Lake of Como, enclosed by an amphitheatre of mountains.

The * Cathedral, commenced 1396 , completed 1521, constructed entirely of marble, is one of the best in N . Italy . Over the portal reliefs (adoration of the Magi) and statuettes (Mary with S . Abbondio , St. Protus, etc .) . At the sides of the principal entrance are statues of the elder and the younger Pliny, erected 1498 .

The gaudy vaulting, restored in 1838 at an expense of 600,000 fr., mars the effect of the interior , the proportions of which are imposing and resemble those of the Certosa near Pavia. The windows of the portal contain fine modern stained glass, representing the history of S . Abbondio . To the r. on entering is the monument of Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio, a benefactor of the town, erected in 1861. Farther on , over the altar of S . Abbondio on the r. the Adoration of the Magi , by Bern . Luini, and the Flight into Egypt, by Gaud. Ferrari. Over the altar of St. Jerome a Madonna by B . Luini. In the N . transept the Altare del Crocefisso of 1498 , with a fine statue of St. Sebastian . In the choir the Apostles , by Pompeo Marchesi. The sacristy contains pictures by Guido Reni , Paolo Veronese , etc . In the l. aisle the altar of the Mater Dolorosa with an Entombment by Tommaso Rodari ( 1498 ) . At the altar di S . Giuseppe: G . Ferrari, Nuptials of the Virgin , in style resembling Raphael ; B . Luini, Nativity ; St. Joseph , a statue by P . Marchesi , and a basrelief below, the last work of this master; at the entrance the busts of Pope Innocent XI. (Odescalchi) and Carlo Ravelli, bishop of Como.

Adjoining the church is the Town Hall ( Broletto ) , completed in 1215 , constructed of alternate courses of different – coloured stones. Behind the cathedral is the handsome Theatre,  erected 1813. The old church of S . Fedele , of the 10th cent. , is in a remote part of the town. Extensive silk and weaving factories.

On the promenade outside the town is the church Del Crocefisso , richly decorated with marble and gold , of the 17th cent. ; beyond it , to the l. , on the slope of the mountain about 1 M . from the town , is the fine old Basilica S . Abbondio of the 11th cent. ; iron foundries in the vicinity.

Walk on the E . Bank of the Lake. Two roads lead from Como along the slopes on the E . bank of the lake. The lower of these passes several hamlets and villas. The upper (after 2 M . ) affords a view of magnificent snow -mountains towards the W . , and leads by Vico , Sopra - Villa , and Cazzanore , leaving the Villa Pliniana  far below , to Riva di Palanzo (osteria on the lake) , whence the traveller may cross to the steamboat- stat. Carate on the opposite bank .

From Como to Lecco by Erba , diligence daily in 3 hrs. (steamer ). Como is quitted by the Porta Milanese. The road gradually ascends the hills to the E . The view of the Lake of Como is concealed by the beautifully wooded Monte S . Maurizio ; to the S . a survey is obtained of the district towards Milan and the Brianza. The church of Camnago , a village situated N . of the road , contains the tomb of Volta. Farther on , S . of the road is the sharp ridge of Montor fano near a small lake. Near Cassano is a curious leaning campanile . Beyond Albesio a view is disclosed of the plain of Erba ( Pian d 'Erba ) and the lakes of Alserio , Pusiano , and Annone , above which the Corni di Canzo (4503 ft.) and the Resegone di Lecco (6151 ft. ) rise on the E .

Near (1012 M . ) Erba ( 1017 ft. ) ( Inn ) , a small town in a luxuriantly fertile district, are several handsome villas ; the Villa Amalia on the W . side commands a charming view of the Brianza . Near Incino , with its lofty Lombard campanile , once stood the Forum Licini of the Romans, mentioned by Pliny together with Como and Bergamo.

Before the road crosses the Lambro , which is here conducted by an artificial channel to the Lago di Pusiano , the road to stat. Seregno diverges to the r . , that to Bellaggio to the 1 .. Penzano on the N . bank of the Lago di Pusiano is next reached , then Pusiano itself. Beautiful glimpse N . of the Vall' Assina and of the Corni di Canzo , S . of the Brianza . Near Civate is the double Lago d ' Annone (E . rises the Resegone di Lecco ) , connected by the Ritorto which the road follows, with the Lake of Lecco . The latter is reached at Malgrate , on the W . bank , with numerous silk - factories. Opposite to it lies Lecco.