Submitted by scott on

November 5 - Opera House, New Haven, Connecticut
November 6 - Music Hall, Orange, New Jersey 
November 7 - Gilmore's Opera House, Springfield, Massachusetts 
November - 8 - Blackstone Hall, Providence, Rhode Island
November 10 - Town Hall, Melrose, Massachusetts 
November 11 - Huntington Hall, Lowell, Massachusetts 
November 12 - Rumford Hall, Waltham, Massachusetts
November 13 - Music Hall, Boston, Masschusetts
November 14 - Brockton, Massachusetts
November 17 - Plainfield, New Jersey 
November 18 - Chickering Hall, New York City
November 19 (two performances) Chickering Hall, New York City 
November 20 - Opera House, Newburgh, New York
November 21 - Association Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 22 (two performances) - Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York
November 24 & 25 - Congregational Church, Washington, D.C. 
November 26 (two performances) - Association Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
Thanksgiving Day, November 27 was spent with Thomas Nast in Morristown, New Jersey.
November 28 & 29 - Academy of Music, Baltimore, Maryland. 

New Haven Opera House

Sam was in Hartford, CT during the day but the tour began in New Haven that evening, with Livy in attendance. "The trip's my last--forever & ever"  

The (New Haven) Morning Journal and Courier 1884: November 6 TWAIN AND CABLE.  

Music Hall, East Orange, New Jersey

East Orange Gazette, November 13, 1884
Mark Twain and George W. Cable

Gilmore's Opera House, Springfield, MA

Mark reported to Livy on a poor reading in Springfield on November 7. (pg 16, Cardwell [Love Letters, p 366. The program at Springfield was experimental])

  Cable reported that the performance was “against terrible odds—brass music & fire-works in front of the hall, vast crowds blocking the streets and cannon firing directly in the rear of the house”     

Springfield Republican, Nov. 8, 1884 page 4.

The Twain-Cable Evening

Blackstone Hall Building, Providence, RI

In the afternoon the audience filled about two-thirds of the sittings. The hall was nearly filled by a select and cultured audience at the evening entertainment. (From Providence Daily Journal 1884: November 10)

Town Hall, Melrose, Massachusetts

a crowd so large that extra seats had to be moved into the hall (pg16 Cardwell)

Huntington Hall, Lowell, MA

This listing is found in Chronology of Speeches but is given as November 12 in Touring with Cable and Huck

The Lowell Daily Courier published a review of the show on November 12, 1884, thus establishing the date of the show as November 11.

Rumford Hall, Waltham, MA

This listing is found in Chronology of Speeches but this date is given as Lowell, MA in Touring with Cable and Huck

Boston Music Hall

First joint reading in a big city to “a very large audience”. (pg 17, Cardwell)

Touring with Cable and Huck provides reviews from three Boston papers; The Boston Globe, Post and Transcript.

From the Boston Herald, November 12, 1884, page 4:


Opera House, Brockton, Massachusetts

Cable wrote home:

"We had a great time last night. Twenty-two hundred people applauding, laughing & encoring, In Music Hall. This morning Clemens & I go out to make a call or two. Tonight we read in Brockton. Tomorrow afternoon & night in Chickering Hall. Our show is a great success. It isn’t easy to write as Mark Twain is singing “We shall walk through the Valley” [Turner, MT & GWC 59.]"

Sam and Cable gave a matinee reading in Boston [Turner, MT & GWC 59].  I can find no reference to this show other than Fears' mention,

Twain was in Providence on Sunday, November 16 and in Hartford the following Day. Cable presumably had one or two days at home in Simsbury.” (pg19 Cardwell)  Cable would not have traveled on the 16th, however, as it was the Sabbath.

According to Turner (pg 59), Cable may have met wife his wife in Worcester, MA., writing to her from Boston, November 14:

Stillman Music Hall, Plainfield, New Jersey

Touring with Cable and Huck has Twain and Cable in  Hartford, Connecticut

Chickering Hall, New York

Reviewed in The New York Times, November 19, 1884, Daily Tribune for the show on the 18th; the Times and the Sun for the 19th. See Touring with Cable and Huck

It was on this night that Sam, recalled in his 1906 autobiography, overheard a conversation that would greatly affect his life:

Opera House, Newburgh, NY

Before leaving New York for Newburgh, the morning of November 20, Sam visited Ulysses S. Grant at his home on East Sixty-Sixth Street.  There, Sam offered to publish Grant's memoirs for a royalty of 20 percent or 70 percent of the profits plus $10,000.00 advance.

Association Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Major J.B. Pond has brought before the public for three readings in this city the names Mark Twain and George W. Cable, and they have proved a powerful attraction among the most cultivated and intelligent people of this city. The first reading was given last night at Association Hall, where a very select audience assembled, filling three circles of the pretty auditorium." From The Philadelphia Inquirer 1884: November 22 Touring with Cable and Huck

Sam wrote from Philadelphia to Livy:

Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY

Sam and Cable left Philadelphia and traveled to Brooklyn, where they gave two performances at the Academy of Music. The Brooklyn Eagle called it “The Literary Event of the Season” [p.5]. Henry Ward Beecher and Dean Sage and wife were in the audience. A Miss Copelin from St. Louis sent Sam a note and he went to see her. She was the daughter of a young girl he once knew. Miss Copelin was 21 and her mother was only fifteen when Sam knew her. “It made things seem a long time ago, & also made me feel very old & useless” [Nov. 23 to Clara Clemens, MTP].

2 Shows. Huge houses.

Congregational Church, Washington, DC

Departed Brooklyn "early" for Washington DC. and registered at the Ebbitt House near the White House.

Association Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Sam and Cable left Washington for Philadelphia, where they gave a reading in Association Hall.

Lyceum - Library, Morristown, NJ

They spoke at the Lyceum - Library

Livy’s 39 th birthday.

Once again, Sam was away from home on a family member’s birthday.

Baltimore Academy of Music

Sam submitted to an “interview” by the Baltimore American. (See Fatout, Mark Twain Speaks for Himself, p137.)