September 2, 1907 Monday

September 2 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: The King had been up in my study telephoning to Dorothy [Quick] this morning, & when we went back to his room to go on with the morning business we found the smell of tobacco pretty strong & he said it smelt “as if a stuffy old archangel had been in there”. I told him that Santa & I love the smell of an archangel. He said “yes, the smell of young ones, but not the stale old ones.”

Yesterday came word that the young woman Mrs. Oley [sic Olney] had written a conspicuous interview with Mark Twain published in the Sunday World August 25 with the imprint of his hand as illustration, also one of Mr. Edison’s. Mr. Clemens in a rage dictated a letter to Mr. Pulitzer [MTP TS 99]. Note: In her Aug. 27 entry, Lyon had reported that Channez Huntington Olney’s NY World article appeared on Friday, Aug. 23, but this was “news” received and incorrect.

William L. Alden wrote from Augusta, Ga. to ask Sam about a discrepancy he noticed between LM and the Feb. issue of NAR with Sam’s autobiography segment—did he pay Horace Bixby $500 as in LM or $100 as in the NAR segment? [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote for Sam on the letter, “The big part was the 100 which I had to pay in advance / made at a time when I could still remember / The statement in Life on the Miss. is worthier credit than a statement made from memory 31 years afterward”

Virginia Frazer Boyle wrote to invite Sam to the Memphis Waterways convention Oct. 4-5 [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answer her some how or other”

Charles E. Cochrane wrote on Brighton Beach Hotel, NY notepaper to Sam: “Last week acting upon your suggestion I submitted my double acrostic card for Plasmon’s success to your Mr. Ashcroft, who having stated the company would not likely do any advertising till Jan ’08, I asked to return my card. He did so.” But Sam had not returned the other two cards sent [MTP].

J.E. Kerr, M.D. wrote from Lilesville, N.C. to ask Sam for 5 minutes interview during Kerr’s upcoming trip to NY [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Sept. 9 ‘07”

F.H. Meserve for Deering Milliken & Co. wrote from NYC to Sam. Meserve had a negative from which a portrait was made in his Collection of Americana. Who were the two men with Sam? [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “David Gray on the left—Geo. Alfred Townsend right.” The picture was taken in 1870 in Washington, D.C. see Meltzer, p.126 .

H.J. Seiferth for The Daily Picayune, N. Orleans, wrote to ask Sam if he might use “Editorial Wild Oats” in a planned column. Sieferth was the City Editor [MTP]. Note: IVL: “Answd. Sept. 9 ‘07”

William M. Stewart wrote from Bullfrog, Nevada to Sam. (Only the envelope survives, postmarked Rhyolite, Nev.) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.