September 3, 1907 Tuesday

September 3 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Dorothy arrived. / Such a very very nice dinner at the Sampsons. Mr. [Charles E.] Sampson is the head of that house, for even the fine beautiful table linen is exquisitely marked with his initials & the silver too, has his lettering. He was very delightful. He told me how when he was a boy he crossed from Europe on the steamer with Emerson & how dear Emerson was, waiting on his sister who was an invalid [MTP TS 99- 100].

H.H. Rogers sent a telegram from New Bedford, Mass. to Sam. “Letter received we can never settle matters by coresspondance [sic] the Kanawha will be coming to Fair Haven the latter part of this week Broughton can give you details at his office please come here and arrange the virginian matter pleas advise” [MTHHR 637]. Note: the “Virginian matter” was their trip to Jamestown on the Kanawha; see IVL Sept. 4 entry.

Frank N. Doubleday for Doubleday, Page & Co. wrote to clarify a telephone message that Sam could not come to his house on the 1th nor lunch with President Roosevelt on the 13th as hoped [MTP].

Daniel Frohman wrote from NYC to Sam: “Thank you for your notification about what Chanez Olcott [sic Channez Olney]  is doing with the card of mine. I never gave her this card, and she is sailing under false colors. / I am sorry you have been caused inconvenience by her wrong doing, and I shall take instant means to stop her from using this card further. …P.S. After next week, you must come to the Lyceum and see Miss Illington in ‘THE THIEF’, some time” [MTP].

F.F. Gilmore for Our Country, Louisville, Ky. wrote to send Sam a copy of their magazine and to ask if there was a real person named Col. Sellers. Also, “It may be of interest to you to let you know that Will. S. Hayse, who recently died in this city, had agreed to give us an article recalling …Mark Twain, where he and you met so often on the river. / Will you not send us a photograph of yourself and allow us to use it?” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Sept. 9 ‘07”


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.