September 8, 1907 Sunday

September 8 Sunday – In Tuxedo Park, N.Y. Sam wrote his june-bug…bird of paradise aphorism to Dorothy Quick [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Mr. Baker, . Miss Baldwin,  Mr. Ogden and Mr. McKim sauntered in for tea this afternoon. They were wise and left before we were ready to have them go. Santa has written that she wants to give a concert here for Mary Lawton. The King was upset by the suggestion, for as he truly says it would be a “bidding for reluctant courtesies” to have a concert here. If these people were to ask C.C. to sing here that would be one thing—and the King said “if she comes here to sing in public, then I must leave Tuxedo. (A lovely stray kitten is sitting here on my table and disturbing this writing. Reaching out a white paw to give my pen a dab) [MTP TS 101]. Note: George Barr Baker, Gertrude H. Baldwin, Robert C. Ogden, and Charles Follen McKim.

Florence Macalister wrote to point out an error of genealogy in Mary Baker Eddy’s work, and referencing p. 109 of Sam’s CS book about her grandfather, Sir John McNeill [MTP].

Chapters from “My Autobiography—XXII” ran in the N.A.R. p.8-21.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.