September 19, 1907 Thursday

September 19 Thursday – Sam, in Fairhaven, Mass., wrote the date and his signature in a book for blottings, “The Ghosts of My Friends”—possibly to General and Mrs. Edward McCook [MTP].

Isabel Lyon wrote to Dorothy Quick 

Dearest Dorothy: / This is just the beginning of the photographs that I am to send you. The others have not yet arrived from N.Y. Mr. Wark developed the Indian Princess & cut down the photo a little, but I think that it improves it and isn’t it lovely? Mr. Clemens is away & will not be home until some time on Friday. It is very desolate without him. But to relieve the situation a beautiful young grey & white cat followed Claude & Katie home one night not long since, in fact since Mr. Clemens went away, & the beautiful creature has spent a lot of time with me.

Thank you very much too for the little photos you sent; they are nice, but do not forget that you are going to send me the whole batch of negatives. I quite forgot to give you the sixty-cents, or the roll of films for the one I am having developed, so here is the check for 60 cents dear.

Mr. Robert P. Porter of Oxford who spent last Sunday here, gave me these English cigar bands; have you any like them?

With much love to you dear, & warm regards to your mother, & to your grandfather I am yours always…[MTAq 64]. Note: Sam was in Fairhaven visiting the Rogers clan.

Frank N. Doubleday for Doubleday, Page & Co. wrote to Sam: “Perhaps you will be interested in reading this letter from Mr. Lockwood Kipling. At all events, I send it on.” He also had a friend, Herbert Plimpton, who had been after him for five years to get an autographed portrait of Twain [MTP].

William M. Clemens wrote from NYC to Sam: “Enclosed bill and dun reached me from Plymouth, England. As I do not wear English clothes, I think perhaps it may be intended for you and am sending it to you” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “This is that Will M. Clemens who was born a fraud—will remain one”; but this was not the Will M. but another Clemens, William M. Clemens, a private investigator in NYC.

Roi Cooper Megrue for Elisabeth Marbury wrote to Lyon asking if Miss Andrews of their Paris offices could arrange for the dramatization of “Aurelia’s Unfortunate Young Man” [MTP].

Hamilton Wright, Ed. Overland Monthly, S.F. wrote to Sam, “very anxious to get an article” [MTP].

James B. Sutherland wrote from Montreal to congratulate Sam on his Oxford honors and to send two letters he thought might interest, one from a “Scholarly Scotchman.” George Iles a mutual friend [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.