September 28, 1907 Saturday

September 28 Saturday – Frances Nunnally and her mother visited Sam. They played hearts [Oct 2 from Nunnally].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Santa decides to come to town on the 11th.

I don’t know if it is significant of 72 years or if the King has always done it, but he loses track of the hours of the day like this. Mrs. Nunnaly and Frances arrived today, and after tea at 5 we began to play Hearts. We played until nearly 7 when the King called for his whiskey and apollinaris—his night cap, and thought to save time by drinking it before getting into bed. He is so gay and sweet and pretty in his ways with “Francesca”, who is a dear grave girl of 16, with the most wonderful little slender hands. I think that as I look around in my head and remember people’s hands, that the people with the broad thickish hands have an entire lack of silence or delicate speech, or of an eloquent silence. They have to make a noise of some sort most of the time certainly they have no reservations [MTP TS 108].

Kurt Aram wrote from Munich, Germany to ask Sam for an article [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “I could not deliberately send anything for publication of course the contract will not allow me to…Simplicissumus gives me pleasure 52 times a year. Send over a copy of the reproductions of Old Masters”

W.B. Hennessy wrote from St. Paul, Minn. to invite Sam to come for a lecture, offering $1,500 [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote for Sam on the letter, “You can just thank him & say that if I make no land journeys, unless compelled to, that if I made them in any other circumstances I’d be very glad to accept”

William J. Lonn wrote from LaPorte Ind. to ask Sam if he was open to an engagement for the Elks Lodge this winter [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Oct. 3, ‘07”


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.