September 14, 1907 Saturday

September 14 Saturday – In Tuxedo Park, N.Y. Sam finished his Sept.12, 13 to Dorothy Quick.

Which I did [go to bed]. But a cricket was hiding somewhere in the room, & continuously & monotonously shrieking. I endured it an hour (until 10), then removed to another room. I returned at 11, at 1, at 4, but was drivenout each time.

Last night he drove me out at 9.30, & I returned no more. To-night Miss Lyon will occupy my room, & capture him if possible.

Meantime your letter has come, you very dear child, & I think it is the best typewritten handwriting I have ever seen. I would not have believed a type-machine could spell so well. I’m a-missing you, Dorothy.

[Sam sketched a cricket and an axe here]

(Anyway, I think it’s an axe, but some think it’s a bonnet.) But it’s for that cricket when I get him—I am quite certain as to that.

I’m going to Fairhaven, Mass, day after tomorrow—Monday—& return Thursday night.

I sail for Jamestown three days later, to be several days.

=== ===

I’ve had a misfortune, dear: a page of the Indian story is missing. I shall find it, but meantime I want you to rewrite it—it’s good practice—& send it here.

With lots of love, you dear little rascal— [MTAq 62-3]. Note: Cooley points out that Dorothy’s clear and regular script is the point of Sam’s reference to her “typewritten handwriting.”

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Mr. Porter did arrive. He did accept the King’s wirelessed invitation and will be here until Monday. He is a sturdy, chunky Englishman, and very agreeable and hearty. He enjoyed his food and the house and Tuxedo and seemingly everything. He is a nice guest to have.

The King was up here in my study waiting for something, and the telephone rang. Mrs.

Kane was at it to say that Mrs. Walker had “pre-punctually” presented her with a grand-

daughter and then the King went down stairs to write a note to that baby—rebuking her for

arriving ahead of time and spoiling all the fun of preparing a mammoth birthday party for her

[MTP TS 104]. Note: Robert Percival Porter (1852-1917), Englishman by birth, founded and

edited the New York Press in 1887 and left it in 1894. He was chosen as Superintendent of the

1890 Census under President Harrison. He authored several books on protectionism and Japanese history.

Albert E. Ullman for Underwood & Underwood wrote to Lyon about an article on Twain [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.