September 30, 1907 Monday

September 30 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Francesca went this morning, the King went down to the station with them, and since his return he has been at work all day with the pen. He has been writing and writing and dropping the little leaves of paper from his small pad, around him on the floor. Most of the work was done with him sitting on the extreme edge of the bed.

For 5 hours he must have sat there, and I am longing to see what the outcome of this day will be. He came back so full of his ideas that he has never taken off his shoes to replace them with his comfortable slippers. A little after 3 Miss Herrick came into say goodbye, for she goes down to Southampton for 2 months. I had to go and tell the King she was here and he felt obliged to break away to bid her that adieu; though he did it saying it was “Hellish” and “God damnable!” and only half his mind was on her when he stumbled into and out of the room.

At 5:30 he finished the day’s work. I went down to find him gathering up his bits of ms. And well satisfied with the fact that he put in the whole day at getting the ideas out of his head and into compact form on paper. He has gone to bed to rest for 2 hours before going down to dine with Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Depew, who are staying at the Club.

Evening—and now I can’t get away from the misery of letting the King walk away from me out into the darkness alone, and down to the Club. In his black evening clothes, and with his little grey overcoat, and a lighted cigar, he walked away into that black road. I asked if he didn’t want Claude to go with him, only three words in reply, “no–goodbye” and I’ve wanted to cry ever since [MTP TS 109-110].

James Barton wrote from Chorley, England to solicit information from Sam about the martyr, Richard Langhorne, d. 1649 [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote for Sam on the letter, “Mr. Langhorne was merely a stranger whom our family knew for a while & greatly liked, but about him are known absolutely nothing”

George Grantham Bain wrote again to ask Sam when their photographer might take a portrait [MTP].

Ella C. Cauman (Mrs. Herman H. Cauman) wrote from Merrick, Long Island to thank Sam for his address on Sept. 23 at Jamestown about Robert Fulton. Cauman was Robert Fulton’s granddaughter [MTP].

Edwin W. Chubb wrote on Ohio Univ. notepaper to ask Sam if he might use “some short selection” from his autobiography in a book he was making, Stories of British and American Authors [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Mr. Clemens is not able to tell whether the Harpers would object or not / must refer you to them. Has no objection himself”

Anna M. DuBois wrote from S. Bend, Ind. to Sam. She related the story of her husband loaning IA to a German professor, who marked it up with all the “exaggerations and lies” he found, evidently having a complete absence of humor [MTP].

James E. Gallagher wrote to Sam asking if his views on Christian Science was in book form yet? He sent under separate cover an illustrated article, “A Day With Mark Twain” from the Chicago Sunday Tribune of June 29 [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Oct. 2, ‘07”

Harper & Brothers wrote to Sam, sending revised proof of “Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven,” which they wanted back in a hurry to make the Christmas edition [MTP].

John H. Hawley for Assoc. Sunday Magazines telegraphed Lyon to ask if Clemens had ever used a Waterman fountain pen [MTP]. Note: Lyon replied, by telegram, “Mr Clemens has never used a Waterman pen”

Howells & Stokes wrote to bill Sam $2,201.06 for William Webb Sunderland on the Redding house [MTP].

Roi Cooper Megrue for Elisabeth Marbury wrote to Miss Lyon to verify the go ahead to dramatize “Mrs. MacWilliams and the Thunder” [MTP].

C.B. Shepard wrote from Melrose Highlands, Mass. to ask Sam if he could lecture at the Melrose Highlands Congregational Church  in Jan. or Feb. [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Oct. 2, ‘07”

Herbert C. Warren for the Chamber of Commerce, New Haven wrote to invite Sam to speak at their annual dinner sometime during Nov. [MTP].

September 30 after – Sam wrote on a Sept. 30 letter from Ashcroft to Lyon, “Please never correct a misprint with a damned machine—leave it alone.” [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.